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Software Systems Student Society Website

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Welcome to the Software Systems Student Society (SSSS) website repo. This project is maintained by the website committee.

To join the committee, go to the SSSS Discord server, find the #what-are-committees, and claim the @website role.

View the live site here:

Getting Started Contributing

Contribute by reporting a bug/suggesting an enhancement

  1. Navigate to the issues page in this repository
  2. Add a new Issue and give it a clear and concise title and description. Include any other information, images, etc. that may be needed.
  3. Give it an appropriate label
  4. Thank you for your contribution! The committee may assign the issue as appropriate.

Contribute as a developer

  1. Get access to the repository as a contributor by contacting the website committee on our our Discord server

  2. Claim a free task from the open issues or suggest a new issue

  3. Set up your development environment (terminal instructions):

    a. Clone the repository locally in a folder of your choice

    git clone

    b. Change directories into the newly cloned project folder


    c. Install node modules

    npm i

    d. Create a new branch from Github Issue UI



    e.g. 121-poc-implement-course-explorer

    git checkout -b 121-poc-implement-course-explorer

    This will create a new branch and check out instantly to that branch. Equivalent with:

    git branch kiaanc/read-me-update
    git checkout kiaanc/read-me-update

    e. Run the server locally

    npm run dev

    f. View the project in your browser

  4. Start coding!

  5. Commit and push your changes

  6. Create a pull request with the following format:

    Target Branch: master
    Title: Clear and descriptive title relevant to the issue
    Description: Any relevant information about the changes made
    - megarage90000 (John)
    - artymiz (Art)
    - bendjukastein (Ben)
    - KiaanCastillo (Kiaan)
  7. Wait for one of the reviewers to take a look and make changes or merge accordingly.

Thanks for contributing!

Past Developers

Version Release Date Contributors
v4.0 September 9, 2023 Brian Rahadi
v3.0 August 17, 2021 Kiaan Castillo
v2.0 November 17, 2020 Andy Wang
v1.0 January 27, 2020 Amos Ko