A marketplace vendor panel lets sellers manage their products, orders, inventory, and payouts, while also tracking sales performance, customer interactions, and promotions to grow their business.🚀
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Navigate to "/var/www/html" (assuming Apache installation has created this directory) from your home directory in your local or server
Copy the "vendor" folders as-is directly from "dist/" to "/var/www/html/".
Rename the "vendor" folder to "seller" folder and paste it directly into /var/www/html/
Completion of above steps should successfully setup frontend builds of all seller panels of Spurtcommerce Marketplace solution such as seller Panel
- marketplace website is ready to use from http://{your-domian or IP} (or) http://localhost/
- Seller Panel can be accessed by http://{your-domian or IP}/seller/#/auth/login
Above steps concludes successful installation and setup of Spurtcommerce Marketplace solution build in your local (or) server.
Spurtcommerce 5.1.0 is published to npm under the @spurtcommerce/*
You can find our extended documentation on our www.spurtcommerce.dev, but some quick links that might be helpful:
- Read Technology to learn about our vision and what's in the box.
- Our Discard Questions, Live Discussions Spurtcommerce Support.
- Some Video Video Tutorials
- Every Release is documented on the Github Releases page.
🐞 If you spot a bug, please submit a detailed issue, and wait for assistance.
🤔 If you have a question or feature request, please start a new discussion.
🤔 This project is tested with BrowserStack
Spurtcommerce is developed and maintain by Piccosoft Software Labs India (P) Limited,.
Spurtcommerce is released under the BSD-3-Clause License..