This is Spork. A multipurpose megatool that exposes a certain kind of workflow to enable quickly putting together the UI and API of a project.
IDK about you, but I intend on using this app as the test bed for all my new ideas. Anything I want to track and build a website for, without creating a whole new Laravel project with a whole extra place to login.
I intend on supporting this passively, so it may go many months without an update, then see a flury of updates, before going quiet again.
Most of my focus will be based around Spork plugins, because that'll be the workflow.
- Have new idea
- Make new spork plugin
- Save lots of time
- Spend more time writing code
- SPA + Authentication via Vue3 + Vuex
- 2FA through Laravel Fortify
- Activity Tracking through Spatie's Activity Logger
- A dynamic crud api that just needs a model and a few fields defined
- Laravel Scout preconfigured
- Self-hosted php-based websocket server replacement via Beyoncode's Laravel Websockets package
- A dedicated queue worker container running Laravel
- A dedicated crontab container
- Belongs To Through relationship support via staudenmeir/belongs-to-through
- Model tagging via spatie/laravel-tags
- Dynamic feature handling/loading
Honestly, I'd recommend cloning the repo via git or downloading the zipfile.
git clone
git remote rm origin
From there, you can use the install script
You'll be prompted for installing available packages with the spork-app
tag through composer.
Any custom packages can be added to Spork via custom repositories through composer.
And plugin apps can be included directly in your resources/js/app.js
file via require('@vendor/phppackage/name/path/to/resources/app')
There's a package for that 😄 It's templated with the keys of the spork.json file, and it's intended to be used with the spork/development package, which will automatically prompt for and replace values in the spork.json