Cordova plugin that allows simple camera preview and taking pictures from Javascript and HTML
cordova plugin add
ionic cordova plugin add
Make the webview html background color transparent.
html, body, .ion-app, .ion-content {
background-color: transparent;
for newer version ionic use the following:
html, body, .ion-app, .ion-content {
--background: transparent;
Make sure to set up the camera size as follows:
const cameraSize = this.getCameraSize();
getCameraSize() {
let height;
let width;
const ratio = 4 / 3;
const min = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
[width, height] = [min, Math.round(min * ratio)];
if (this.isLandscape()) {
[width, height] = [height, width];
return {
x: (window.innerWidth - width) / 2,
y: (window.innerHeight - height) / 2,
isLandscape() {
return Math.abs(window.orientation % 180) === 90;
Uses Google's CameraX API
Get the ratio for the camera preview instance (4:3, 16:9, ....).
const params = {
targetSize: 1024,
...cameraSize, // use camera size
SimpleCameraPreview.setOptions(params, (ratio) => {
Starts the camera preview instance.
const params = {
targetSize: 1024,
direction: 'back', // Camera direction (front or back). Default is back.
SimpleCameraPreview.enable(params, () => {
console.log("Camera enabled");
Stops the camera preview instance.
SimpleCameraPreview.disable(params, () => {
console.log("Camera disabled");
Take the picture
let options = {
flash: true,
SimpleCameraPreview.capture(options, (imagaeNativePath) => {
Set the camera frame size
let size = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 1080,
height: 1920,
SimpleCameraPreview.setSize(size, () => {
console.log("Camera frame size set");
Check if device has ultra-wide camera
SimpleCameraPreview.deviceHasUltraWideCamera(size, (value: boolean) => {
console.log("Device has ultra-wide camera?: ", value);
Switch camera between wide or auto
The variable lens can take two values:
const params = {
lens: "wide",
(value: unknown) => {
return (typeof value === "boolean" ? value : false);
(e: unknown) => {
console.log("cannot switch camera: ", e);