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MAP Tournament Wiki - Local Development Guide

This guide will walk you through setting up and running the MAP Tournament Wiki locally for HELPING ME CODE (I SUCK AT IT).


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

Initial Setup

  1. Clone the Repository

    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac
    git clone
    cd map_tournament_wiki
  2. Create Development Configuration Create a file named _config_dev.yml in the root directory with the following content:

    baseurl: ""  # Empty for local development

    This file is already in .gitignore to prevent conflicts with GitHub Pages deployment.

Running the Development Server

  1. Start Docker Desktop

    • Open Docker Desktop
    • Wait for Docker Engine to fully start (check the status in the taskbar)
  2. Build and Start the Container

    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac
    docker-compose up

    The first time you run this, it will:

    • Build the Docker image (this may take a few minutes)
    • Install all necessary dependencies
    • Start the development server
  3. Access the Site

  4. LiveReload The development server includes LiveReload, which means:

    • Changes to files will automatically trigger a rebuild
    • Your browser will automatically refresh to show changes
    • No need to manually restart the server for most changes

Development Workflow

Making Changes

  1. Edit Files

    • All content is written in Markdown
    • Files are organized in the following structure:
      ├── _tournament-info/   # Main tournament information
      ├── _includes/         # Reusable components
      ├── _layouts/         # Page layouts
      ├── _sass/           # Stylesheets
      └── assets/          # Images and other static files
  2. Adding New Pages

    • Create a new .md file in the appropriate directory
    • Include the necessary front matter:
      layout: page
      title: Your Page Title
      parent: Parent Page Title (if applicable)
      nav_order: X
  3. Local Testing

    • Changes will appear automatically at http://localhost:4000
    • Check the Docker console output for any build errors

Common Tasks

Stopping the Development Server

# If running in foreground:
# Windows: Ctrl+C, then type 'Y' when prompted
# Linux/Mac: Ctrl+C

# If running in background:
# Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
docker-compose down

Rebuilding After Dependency Changes

If you modify Gemfile or Dockerfile:

# Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
docker-compose down
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up

Clearing Cache

# Windows:
docker-compose down
rmdir /s /q .jekyll-cache
docker-compose up

# Linux/Mac:
docker-compose down
rm -rf .jekyll-cache
docker-compose up


Common Issues

  1. Port Already in Use

    Error: A server is already running at port 4000


    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
    docker-compose down
    # If persists:
    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
    docker ps  # Check for running containers
    docker kill <container-id>
    # Alternative for Windows (if port 4000 is still blocked):
    netstat -ano | findstr :4000
    taskkill /PID <PID> /F
  2. Permission Issues If you encounter permission errors with generated files:

    # Windows (Run PowerShell as Administrator):
    takeown /F . /R
    icacls . /reset /T
    # Linux/Mac:
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .
  3. Build Failures If the site fails to build:

    • Check the Docker console output for error messages
    • Verify your front matter syntax in recently changed files
    • Ensure all required files are present
  4. Line Ending Issues (Windows) If you encounter strange errors about line endings:

    # Configure Git to handle line endings
    git config --global core.autocrlf true
    # Then re-clone the repository
    cd ..
    rm -rf map_tournament_wiki  # Linux/Mac
    rmdir /s /q map_tournament_wiki  # Windows
    git clone

Getting Help

If you encounter issues not covered here:

  1. Check the Jekyll Documentation
  2. Create an issue on the GitHub repository
  3. Contact the development team through Discord


  1. Create a Branch

    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  2. Make Your Changes

    • Follow the existing code style
    • Update documentation as needed
    • Test thoroughly locally
  3. Commit Your Changes

    # Both Windows and Linux/Mac:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Descriptive commit message"
  4. Create a Pull Request

    • Push your branch to GitHub
    • Create a Pull Request with a clear description
    • Wait for review and address any feedback

Production Deployment

The site automatically deploys to GitHub Pages when changes are pushed to the main branch. The production site uses the configuration in _config.yml with the correct baseurl for GitHub Pages hosting.


  • The site uses the Just the Docs theme for documentation
  • All development should follow the Jekyll best practices
  • Maintain compatibility with GitHub Pages when making changes
  • Test all changes locally before pushing to production

File Structure Reference

├── _tournament-info/   # Tournament documentation
├── _includes/         # Reusable components
├── _layouts/         # Page layouts
├── _sass/           # Stylesheets
├── assets/          # Static files
├── .gitignore      # Git ignore rules
├── _config.yml     # Production configuration
├── _config_dev.yml # Development configuration
├── Gemfile        # Ruby dependencies
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker configuration
└──      # This file


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