One of my main focuses as part of the Kalahari Education Experience Project has been developing the Learning Management System (LMS). This allows students in the Kalahari to access important learning resources like videos, Wikipedia, Khan Academy, on their devices for free and without data costs.
Here are some screenshots of what it looks like
Landing Page
Student created content and past papers
Student made videos explaining important content
This guide is for how to set up your computer to edit the code for the LMS and commit your changes to the repository. This is assuming that you use VScode as your code editor.
- Download the following programs if you don't have them already
Python (If you are on Windows, make sure to allow it to add Python to your path in the installer when you are setting it up) VScode Git Github for desktop
And restart VScode if you have it open.
Copy paste this URL into the dialogue box that appears
Select a folder to clone to This downloads the code for the LMS to your computer so you can edit it.
- Use pip to install requirements.txt Open the terminal in VScode with Ctrl + ` or selecting View > Terminal from the menu bar
pip install -r requirements.txt
This installs all the libraries needed to run the program