This repository is the SOLiD-based Full Python SLAM for Narrowing your FOV with SOLiD: Spatially Organized and Lightweight Global Descriptor for FOV-constrained LiDAR Place Recognition. The results below are in order of KITTI 00, 02, 05, and 08 sequences.
Hogyun Kim, Jiwon Choi, Taehu Sim, Giseop Kim, Younggun Cho†
- SOLiD (Spatially Organized and Lightweight global Descriptor for LiDAR Place Recognition) is a lightweight and fast LiDAR global descriptor for FOV constraints situations that are limited through fusion with other sensors or blocked by robot/sensor operators including mechanical components or solid-state LiDAR (e.g. Livox).
- We estimate odometry using Point2Plane ICP in Open3D and optimize the pose graph using GTSAM.
- Purpose
- This implementation is fully Python-based so slow and underperforming, but for educational purposes.
- Cpp version will be revealed soon.
- (TBD) Integrated with A-LOAM: SOLiD-A-LOAM
- (TBD) Integrated with LOAM-LIVOX: SOLiD-LOAM-LIVOX
- Scan Context fails in KITTI 08, which exists a lane-level reverse loop, but SOLiD detects this loop.
- Download SOLiD-PyICP-SLAM.
$ git clone
- Download KITTI in Datasets Folder.
$ mkdir Datasets
- Just RUN!!
$ python3
- If you have a question, you utilize a alphaXiv and comment here.
Thank you Giseop Kim and MyeongHwan Jeon for providing the base code.
title={Narrowing your FOV with SOLiD: Spatially Organized and Lightweight Global Descriptor for FOV-constrained LiDAR Place Recognition},
author={Kim, Hogyun and Choi, Jiwon and Sim, Taehu and Kim, Giseop and Cho, Younggun},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},