This configuration file is tailored for the i3 window manager, offering a highly customizable and efficient way to manage windows on your desktop.
Key Features:
- Layout Management: i3 supports various layout options, including tiling, floating, and tabbed layouts. This configuration is optimized for a tiling layout, ensuring maximum screen space utilization and minimal window overlap.
- Keyboard Focus: i3 is designed to be highly keyboard-centric, enabling quick and efficient navigation and management of windows using keyboard shortcuts.
- Customization: This configuration includes a range of customizations, including custom keybindings, font settings, and color schemes, to create a unique and personalized desktop environment.
- Applications:
super + Return
: Open terminal (alacritty)super + shift + Return
: Open floating terminalsuper + alt + Return
: Open fullscreen terminalsuper + shift + F
: Open file manager (thunar)super + shift + E
: Open text editor (geany)super + shift + W
: Open web browser (firefox)
- Menu and Applets:
: Open application launcheralt + F1
: Open application launchersuper + N
: Open network manager appletsuper + M
: Open music appletsuper + X
: Open powermenu appletsuper + S
: Open screenshots appletsuper + R
: Open apps as root appletsuper + T
: Open theme applet only in premiumsuper + W
: Open window applet
- Hardware Keys:
: Take screenshotctrl + Print
: Take screenshot in 5 seconds delayshift + Print
: Take screenshot in 10 seconds delayctrl + shift + Print
: Take screenshot of currently focused windowsuper + Print
: Take screenshot of selected areaXF86AudioRaiseVolume
: Increase volumeXF86AudioLowerVolume
: Decrease volumeXF86AudioMute
: Toggle mute speakersXF86AudioMicMute
: Toggle mute microphoneXF86Audio + Next/Prev/Play/Stop
: Media controls (MPD)XF86MonBrightnessUp
: Increase display brightnessXF86MonBrightnessDown
: Decrease display brightness
- Workspaces:
super + 1..10
: Switch to respective workspacesuper + shift + 1..10
: Move focused container to respective workspacesuper + ctrl + Left/Right
: Move a container to the next/previous workspacesuper + B
: Switch workspaces back-and-forthsuper + shift + B
: Move container to workspace back-and-forth
- Window Management:
super + C/Q
: Close focued windowsuper + H/V
: Split in horizontal/vertical orientationsuper + shift + S
: Set stacking layoutsuper + shift + T
: Set tabbed layoutsuper + shift + D
: Set default layoutsuper + shift + L
: Toggle between stacking/tabbed/splitsuper + shift + V
: Toggle between horizontal/verticalsuper + shift + O
: Sticky floating windowssuper + F
: Toggle fullscreensuper + Space
: Toggle floating/tilingsuper + shift + Space
: Toggles focus between floating/tiling containerssuper + Left/Right/Up/Down
: Sets focus to the nearest container in the given directionsuper + shift + Left/Right/Up/Down
: Move focused window in the given directionsuper + Y
: Changing border stylesuper + A
: Sets focus to the parent containersuper + D
: Sets focus to the child containersuper + Tab
: Automatically sets focus to the adjacent containersuper + alt + C
: Move floating container to the center of all outputssuper + alt + P
: Move floating container to the current position of the cursorsuper + alt + Left/Right/Up/Down
: Resizing containers/windowssuper + Minus
: Make the currently focused window a scratchpadsuper + shift + Minus
: Show the first scratchpad windowsuper + shift + R
: Toggle Resize modesuper + shift + M
: Toggle Resize modesuper + shift + G
: Toggle Gaps mode
- Window Manager:
ctrl + shift + R
: Restart i3wmsuper + shift + C
: Reload i3wmsuper + shift + Q
: Quit i3wwm
- Colors: The color scheme in this configuration is designed for visual appeal and ease on the eyes. It includes a range of colors for different elements, such as the background, foreground, and accents.
- Fonts: The font used in this configuration is the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font, known for its high customizability and readability.
- Layout: The layout is optimized for a tiling layout, prioritizing screen space maximization and window overlap minimization.