Test static site implementation. Currently uses:
Metalsmith for the static site generation
Gulp for building, running, watching and deploying
Aglio for conversion of API Blueprint markdown to html
Note about Node versions: Currently some dependencies do not work with the latest version (0.12.2) of Node (notably aglio). They will most likely be updated soon, but until then the last version of Node that seems to work is 0.10.38.
To install, simply:
npm install
Although Gulp is included as a dependency, you'll need to have a global install to run commands.
So if you don't, run:
npm install gulp -g
Build the site, start watching source files for changes and start a server with live reload:
(Just a wrapper for gulp build
, gulp connect
and gulp watch
To run, type:
Then visit http://localhost:8080 to see the site. Any changes made to source files will rebuild and reload the page.
Note about watch/live-reload: Changes to the node scripts will require a manual restart as well as adding new source.
If you do not want live-reload, use the --no-reload
gulp --no-reload
The site will still be re-built on changes and the server started, the browser just won't refresh.
To exit, type control-c
Generate the static site.
To run, type:
gulp build
The site will now be generated in the /builds
Start a local server on port 8080 with the root at the /builds
To run, type:
gulp connect
Then visit http://localhost:8080 to see the site.
To exit, type control-c
Watch the source files and call gulp build
on changes. Also live reloads if a server is running via gulp connect
To run, type:
gulp watch
Note about watch/live-reload: Changes to the node scripts will require a manual restart as well as adding new source.
To exit, type control-c
The paths to watched files is defined in gulpfile.js
as the sourcePaths
Deploy the /builds
directory to GitHub pages by committing/pushing it's contents to the gh-pages branch of this repo
To run, type:
gulp deploy
Then visit http://[USERNAME].github.io/[REPO] to see the site.