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binary access logs
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- create configurable log_access_format: ascii or binary

new types:
- create protobuf type BinaryAccessLog, with subtypes
- replace lib::logs::Endpoint with proto::command::BinaryEndpoint
- use fixed32 for ipv4 addresses

- remove log module in sozu_lib
- isolate SessionMetrics::register_end_of_session

transfer types to sozu_command_lib::logging:
- CachedTags
- RequestRecord
- LogDuration
- LogContext

avoid allocation:
- create unsafe trait DuplicateOwnership to display access logs
- intermediate buffer in the logger

Rewrite log macros:
- remove separate TAG RefCell
- move log backends and directives to InnerLogger
- allow borrow of Logger::tag and Logger::inner simultaneously
- check for Logger::enabled as soon as possible
- deduplicate log macros with/without arguments
- use scoped macro names instead of the alphabetic list

Co-Authored-By: Eloi DEMOLIS <>
  • Loading branch information
Keksoj and Wonshtrum committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent 486bbe7 commit ca64cae
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Showing 27 changed files with 882 additions and 642 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions bin/config.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ log_target = "stdout"
# It supports the same options as log_target
# log_access_target = "file:///var/logs/sozu-access.log"

# format of the access logs. Defaults to ascii.
# - ascii
# - protobuf (defined in [sozu_command_lib::proto::command::ProtobufAccessLog])
# log_access_format = "ascii"

# path to the unix socket file used to send commands to sozu
# default value points to "sozu.sock" file in the current directory
command_socket = "./sozu.sock"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions command/Cargo.toml
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Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ prettytable-rs = { version = "^0.10.0", default-features = false }
pool = "^0.1.4"
poule = "^0.3.2"
thiserror = "^1.0.56"
rusty_ulid = "^2.0.0"
x509-parser = "^0.15.1"

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181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions command/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, mem::ManuallyDrop, net::SocketAddr};

use rusty_ulid::Ulid;
use time::Duration;

use crate::proto::command::{ProtobufAccessLog, ProtobufEndpoint, RequestUlid, TcpEndpoint, Uint128};

/// This uses unsafe to creates a "fake" owner of the underlying data.
/// Beware that for the compiler it is as legitimate as the original owner.
/// So you have to elide one of them (with std::mem::forget or ManuallyDrop)
/// before it is drop to avoid a double free.
/// This trait works on &T and Option<&T> types
trait DuplicateOwnership {
type Target;
/// Don't forget to use std::mem::forget or ManuallyDrop over one of your owners
unsafe fn duplicate(self) -> Self::Target;

impl<T> DuplicateOwnership for &T {
type Target = T;
unsafe fn duplicate(self) -> T {
std::ptr::read(self as *const T)
impl<'a, T> DuplicateOwnership for Option<&'a T>
T: ?Sized,
&'a T: DuplicateOwnership + 'a,
type Target = Option<<&'a T as DuplicateOwnership>::Target>;
unsafe fn duplicate(self) -> Self::Target {|t| t.duplicate())
impl DuplicateOwnership for &str {
type Target = String;
unsafe fn duplicate(self) -> Self::Target {
String::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr() as *mut _, self.len(), self.len())
impl<T> DuplicateOwnership for &[T] {
type Target = Vec<T>;
unsafe fn duplicate(self) -> Self::Target {
Vec::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr() as *mut _, self.len(), self.len())

pub fn prepare_user_agent(user_agent: &str) -> String {
let mut user_agent = user_agent.replace(' ', "_");
let mut ua_bytes = std::mem::take(&mut user_agent).into_bytes();
if let Some(last) = ua_bytes.last_mut() {
if *last == b',' {
*last = b'!'
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(ua_bytes) }

pub struct LogDuration(pub Option<Duration>);

pub struct LogContext<'a> {
pub request_id: Ulid,
pub cluster_id: Option<&'a str>,
pub backend_id: Option<&'a str>,

pub enum EndpointRecord<'a> {
Http {
method: Option<&'a str>,
authority: Option<&'a str>,
path: Option<&'a str>,
status: Option<u16>,
reason: Option<&'a str>,
Tcp {
context: Option<&'a str>,

/// used to aggregate tags in a session
pub struct CachedTags {
pub tags: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub concatenated: String,

impl CachedTags {
pub fn new(tags: BTreeMap<String, String>) -> Self {
let concatenated = tags
.map(|(k, v)| format!("{k}={v}"))
.join(", ");
Self { tags, concatenated }

/// Intermediate representation of an access log agnostic of the final format.
/// Every field is a reference to avoid capturing ownership (as a logger should).
pub struct RequestRecord<'a> {
pub error: &'a Option<&'a str>,
pub context: &'a LogContext<'a>,
pub session_address: &'a Option<SocketAddr>,
pub backend_address: &'a Option<SocketAddr>,
pub protocol: &'a str,
pub endpoint: &'a EndpointRecord<'a>,
pub tags: &'a Option<&'a CachedTags>,
pub client_rtt: &'a Option<Duration>,
pub server_rtt: &'a Option<Duration>,
pub user_agent: &'a Option<String>,
pub service_time: &'a Duration,
pub response_time: &'a Duration,
pub bytes_in: &'a usize,
pub bytes_out: &'a usize,

impl RequestRecord<'_> {
/// Converts the RequestRecord in its protobuf representation.
/// Prost needs ownership over all the fields but we don't want to take it from the user
/// or clone them, so we use the unsafe DuplicateOwnership.
pub unsafe fn into_protobuf_access_log(
time: i128,
tag: &str,
) -> ManuallyDrop<ProtobufAccessLog> {
let (first, second) = self.context.request_id.into();
let request_id = RequestUlid { first, second };
let time: Uint128 = time.into();

let endpoint = match self.endpoint {
EndpointRecord::Http {
} => crate::proto::command::protobuf_endpoint::Inner::Http(
crate::proto::command::HttpEndpoint {
method: method.duplicate().duplicate(),
authority: authority.duplicate().duplicate(),
path: path.duplicate().duplicate(),
status:|s| s as u32),
reason: reason.duplicate().duplicate(),
EndpointRecord::Tcp { context } => {
crate::proto::command::protobuf_endpoint::Inner::Tcp(TcpEndpoint {
context: context.duplicate().duplicate(),

ManuallyDrop::new(ProtobufAccessLog {
backend_id: self.context.backend_id.duplicate(),
bytes_in: *self.bytes_in as u64,
bytes_out: *self.bytes_out as u64,
client_rtt:|t| t.whole_microseconds() as u64),
cluster_id: self.context.cluster_id.duplicate(),
endpoint: ProtobufEndpoint {
inner: Some(endpoint),
error: self.error.duplicate().duplicate(),
protocol: self.protocol.duplicate(),
response_time: self.response_time.whole_microseconds() as u64,
server_rtt:|t| t.whole_microseconds() as u64),
service_time: self.service_time.whole_microseconds() as u64,
tags: self
.map(|tags| tags.tags.duplicate())
user_agent: self.user_agent.duplicate(),
tag: tag.duplicate(),
time: time.duplicate(),
70 changes: 68 additions & 2 deletions command/src/command.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ message SocketAddress {

message IpAddress {
oneof inner {
uint32 v4 = 1;
fixed32 v4 = 1;
Uint128 v6 = 2;
Expand All @@ -630,5 +630,71 @@ message Uint128 {
required uint64 low = 1;
// lower value, last 8 bytes of the ip
required uint64 high = 2;

// An access log, meant to be passed to another agent
message ProtobufAccessLog {
// error message if any
optional string error = 1;
// LogContext = request_id + cluster_id + backend_id
required RequestUlid request_id = 2;
// id of the cluster (set of frontend, backend, routing rules)
optional string cluster_id = 3;
// id of the backend (the server to which the traffic is redirected)
optional string backend_id = 4;
// ip and port of the client
optional SocketAddress session_address = 5;
// socket address of the backend server
optional SocketAddress backend_address = 6;
// the protocol, with SSL/TLS version, for instance "HTTPS-TLS1.1"
required string protocol = 7;
// TCP or HTTP endpoint (method, path, context...)
required ProtobufEndpoint endpoint = 8;
// round trip time for the client (microseconds)
optional uint64 client_rtt = 9;
// round trip time for the backend (microseconds)
optional uint64 server_rtt = 10;
// time for the backend to respond (microseconds)
required uint64 response_time = 12;
// time spent on a session (microseconds)
required uint64 service_time = 13;
// number of bytes received from the client
required uint64 bytes_in = 14;
// number of bytes written to the client
required uint64 bytes_out = 15;
// value of the User-Agent header, if any
optional string user_agent = 16;
// custom tags as key-values, for instance owner_id: MyOrganisation
map<string, string> tags = 17;
// short description of which process sends the log, for instance: "WRK-02"
required string tag = 18;
// POSIX timestamp, nanoseconds
required Uint128 time = 19;

// this matches the way the rusty_ulid crate represent a ULID
message RequestUlid {
required uint64 first = 1;
required uint64 second = 2;

message ProtobufEndpoint {
oneof inner {
HttpEndpoint http = 1;
TcpEndpoint tcp = 2;

message HttpEndpoint {
optional string method = 1;
optional string authority = 2;
optional string path = 3;
// warning: this should be a u16 but protobuf only has uint32.
// Make sure the value never exceeds u16 bounds.
optional uint32 status = 4;
optional string reason = 5;

message TcpEndpoint {
optional string context = 1;
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions command/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ use toml;

use crate::{
request::RequestType, ActivateListener, AddBackend, AddCertificate, CertificateAndKey,
Cluster, HttpListenerConfig, HttpsListenerConfig, ListenerType, LoadBalancingAlgorithms,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,6 +1089,7 @@ pub struct FileConfig {
pub log_target: Option<String>,
pub log_access_target: Option<String>,
pub log_access_format: Option<AccessLogFormat>,
pub worker_count: Option<u16>,
pub worker_automatic_restart: Option<bool>,
pub metrics: Option<MetricsConfig>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1199,6 +1201,7 @@ impl ConfigBuilder {
front_timeout: file_config.front_timeout.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_FRONT_TIMEOUT),
handle_process_affinity: file_config.handle_process_affinity.unwrap_or(false),
log_access_target: file_config.log_access_target.clone(),
log_access_format: file_config.log_access_format.clone(),
log_level: file_config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1445,6 +1448,7 @@ pub struct Config {
pub log_target: String,
pub log_access_target: Option<String>,
pub log_access_format: Option<AccessLogFormat>,
pub worker_count: u16,
pub worker_automatic_restart: bool,
pub metrics: Option<MetricsConfig>,
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions command/src/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ extern crate serde;
/// custom made logging macros
pub mod logging;
pub mod access_logs;
/// Custom buffer used for parsing within the Sōzu codebase.
pub mod buffer;
/// TLS certificates
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