Practical activity proposed during the course of Computer Vision (1001532), offered by the Department of Computing at UFSCar in semester 2022/1.
This project stitches images together to create a Panorama. Images are taken from different perspectives and transformed to fit together by using SIFT feature detection and RANSAC algorithm for homography transformations
Before you start, make sure you've met the following requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install requirements
- Import
- The folder pano show the results
- See for how use the module
- Apresentação.ipynb execute the project on python notebook
- Teste_Ruído.ipynb executes noise test on the implementation
- Sintônia_de_Parâmetros.ipynb executes some parameter tunning and analyses
Heitor Souza |
Gustavo Chavari |
This project is under license. Acess the file LICENSE for more details.
📄 LOWE, David G. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 60, n. 2, p. 91–110, 2004.
📄 REY-OTERO, Ives and DELBRACIO, Mauricio. Anatomy of the SIFT Method. Image Processing On Line, 2014.
📄 D. Li, D. Han, X. Zhang and L. Zhang, Panoramic image mosaic technology based on SIFT algorithm in power monitoring, 2019 6th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2019, pp. 1329-1333, doi: 10.1109/ICSAI48974.2019.9010294.
stackoverflow: how to show the whole image when using opencv warpperspective