RNLoadingButotn is based an easy-to-use UIButton subclass with an activity indicator. Objective-C version RNLoadingButton.
The activity state is configurable and can hide the image or text while the activity indicator is displaying . You can Also choose the position of easily activity indicator or Set It up with a spacing.
Open Swift Package Manager, copy https://github.com/souzainf3/RNLoadingButton-Swift to the search bar For version, you may use tags or master branch.
- Add a pod entry for RNActivityView to your Podfile
pod 'RNLoadingButton'
- Install the pod(s) by running
pod install
- Drag
to your project
is available in Interface Builder
//Mark: Buttons From Nib
// Configure State
btn1.hideTextWhenLoading = false
btn1.isLoading = false
btn1.activityIndicatorAlignment = .right
btn1.activityIndicatorEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 50, bottom: 0, right: 10)
btn1.setTitleColor(UIColor(white: 0.673, alpha: 1.0), for: UIControlState.disabled)
btn1.setTitle("connecting", for: UIControlState.disabled)
btn1.activityIndicatorColor = .blue // Change the activity indicator color
- Loading state
isLoading: Bool
- Hide image when loading is visible
hideImageWhenLoading: Bool
- Hide text when loading is visible
hideTextWhenLoading: Bool
- Edge Insets to set activity indicator frame. Default is .zero
activityIndicatorEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets
- Activity Indicator Alingment. Default is '.center'
activityIndicatorAlignment: ActivityIndicatorAlignment
- Activity Indicator style. Default is '.gray'
activityIndicatorViewStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle
- Color to activityIndicatorView. Default is 'nil'
activityIndicatorColor: UIColor