An example Coin Wallet app written in Swift using the VIPER architecture.
CoinWallet is a conceptual project to manager virtual coins. Its implemented in VIPER architecture. Your use is merely didactic.
V — View (displays info to the user and detects user interaction)
I — Interactor (manipulates the entities/models by fetching data and storing data)
P — Presenter (without use of the UIKit, it contains the UI related business logic and prepares the data for presentation)
E — Entity (your model objects)
R — Router (aka wireframe, takes care of navigation in your module/application).
More details in
- Xcode 9.2
- Target to iOS 10.0+
1.) Download this project:
git clone ''
2.) Install dependencies: This project use CocoaPods to manager dependencies. See the CocoaPods website to learn how to install it.
pod install
3.) Open BitcoinWallet.xcworkspace
- RNActivityView - UI controls to show activity view
- Realm - Database
- Alamofire - Network Wrapper
- ObjectMapper - Object serialize
- IQKeyboardManager - A bit of stewardship
Icons provided by Icons8. Thanks! :-D
- Wallet
- Buy Coins
- Sell Coins
- Transaction history
- Persistence
- Unit tests
- Localized Strings
- UI tests
Romilson Nunes – @souzainf3 | Github | Linkedin
This project can not be used for commercial purposes.