This ROS package configures and communicates with LeddarTech devices using their SDK. This has only been tested on ROS Indigo and Jade with their Sensor Evaluation Kit.
This package was originally based on the work here: [jpmerc/leddartech] (
You must clone this repository as leddar
into your catkin workspace:
git clone leddar
To set up udev rules for your device, simply run:
sudo useradd -G plugdev ${USER}
sudo cp 10-leddartech.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm trigger
You might have to restart for this to take effect. Note that these rules might only work for the Sensor Evaluation Kit.
You must compile this package before being able to run it. You can do so by running:
from the root of your workspace.
To run, simply connect the LeddarTech leddar over RS232 and launch the package with:
roslaunch leddar leddar.launch serial:=<serial> frame:=<frame_id> fov:=<fov> range:=<range>
, frame
, fov
and range
are run-time ROS launch arguments:
: Serial number of the device to connect to, default: only one connected.frame
frame to stamp the messages with, default:leddar
: Field of view of the device in degrees, default: 45.0 degrees.range
: Maximum range of the device in meters, default: 50.0 meters.
The leddar
node will output to the following ROS topic:
message. Scan data.
To configure the device, take a look at the parameters defined in Scan.cfg.
These paramaters can also be updated on the fly with ROS dynamic_reconfigure
as such:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
The scan data can be conveniently visualized with rviz