OkCollab is a social platform that allows musicians to find other musicians to collaborate with.
Stackathon Project for Grace Hopper Academy, by Sophia Ciocca.
The UserList component maps the users into a visually attractive layout of large thumbnails, displaying their photo, name, city, and list of skills.
The UserProfile component displays the user's information -- their photo, name, and city, along with blurbs about who they are, what genres they like, and what they're looking for out of a potential collaboration. It also features embedded Youtube videos that the user uploaded.
The navigation bar features links for browse, message inbox, and the user's own profile. It also features a photo and the name of the current logged-in user. When viewed by a mobile device or small browser window, it changes to a more streamlined view which can be expanded.
Currently, the Recommendations component simply recommends three random other users who are not the currently selected user. Eventually, this could be built out to use logic around skills and words mentioned in the person's profile to find people with similar skills and genre preferences.
The messaging feature is currently under construction. When a user clicks the "Message" button on a profile, a modal appears and a message can be entered, but upon submitting it, nothing happens with the data. The Messages tab does not yet display the user's messages, because the messages are not yet being stored.
OkCollab changes its layout to suit the size of the browser window, with sidebars moving and changing and content becoming vertically stacked as needed.
- Messages
- Signup
- Editable fields on user's own profile