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CTF Crypto Writeups by sonickun





Year CTF Problem Point Crypto Keywords Difficulty
2016 ASIS CTF RSA 113 RSA small Modular C
2016 Sharif CTF LSB Oracle 150 RSA LSB Oracle Attack C
2016 Sharif CTF unterscheide 200 AES フェルマーの小定理 A
2016 Sharif CTF TPQ 150 RSA Encryption Oracle, 10 primes C
2016 0CTF RSA? 2 RSA Multi-prime RSA, Low public exponent attack B
2016 Boston Key Party CTF Bob's hat 4 RSA Felmat法, 素数の使いまわし, small prime, Wiener's Attack C
2016 Boston Key Party CTF HMAC_CRC 5 - CRC(巡回冗長検査) B
2016 Google CTF Eucalypt Forest 100 AES CBCモード, IV改ざん C
2016 Google CTF Wolf Spider 125 AES CBCモード, Padding oracle attack, length-extension attack A
2016 H4ckIT CTF Ninja scheme 195 Original Feistel構造 C
2016 Hack the Vote Babyhands 300 RSA Wiener's attack C
2016 Hack the Vote Box of Ballots 200 AES CBCモード B
2016 Hack the Vote Trunp Trump 100 Original デジタル署名, Modulo演算 C
2016 CTF Cryptolocker 200 AES CBCモード, Padding検査 C
2016 CTF Redacted 200 RSA 秘密鍵読経 C
2016 CTF cornelius1 200 AES deflate圧縮, CRIME B
2016 HITB Facebook CTF Capture Mexico-TLS 200 RSA TLS handshake, RSA-CRT fault Attack B
2016 HITCON CTF quals Hackpad 150 AES CBCモード, Paddin oracle attack C
2016 HITCON CTF quals PAKE 250 PAKE DH鍵共有 B
2016 Insomni'hack Teaser CTF Bring the noise 200 - Programming, Modulo演算 C
2016 Tokyo Westerns CTF Backpacker's cihper (easy mode) 200 Original knapsack Merkle-Hellmanナップサック暗号もどき A
2016 Tokyo Westerns CTF ESPer 180 RSA RSA-CRT Fault Attack B
2016 Tokyo Westerns CTF Super Express 100 換字式暗号 線形写像 C
2016 Tokyo Westerns CTF Twin Primes 50 RSA 双子素数 C
2016 Tokyo Westerns CTF Vignere Cipher 200 Vignere カシスキーテスト, Base64 B
2016 Nuit du Hack CTF Quals Invest 50 Original Pcap Forensic, 論理回路 C
2016 SECCON CTF quqls biscuiti 300 AES SQLインジェクション, CBCモード, Paddin oracle attack A
2016 Sharif University CTF High-speed RSA Keygen 150 RSA Coppersmithの定理, High-bit Known Attack B
2016 CSAW CTF regrexpire 100 - Programming, 正規表現 C
2015 CTF Creative Cheating 150 RSA Pcap Forensic, Signatures C
2015 MMA CTF Alicegame 250 ElGamal Pohlig–Hellman algorithm, Baby-step Giant-step algorithm A
2015 Plaid CTF Strength 110 RSA Common Modulus Attack C
2015 Plaid CTF Lazy 180 MHナップザック暗号 低密度攻撃、LLLアルゴリズム B
2015 SECCON CTF Quals Find the prime numbers 200 Paillier 加法準同型暗号 B
2015 セキュリティ・キャンプ Broken RSA ??? RSA Multi-prime RSA C
2015 TETCON CTF The Poodle Attack 200 AES Poodle, CBCモード, Padding oracle attack A
2015 Trend Micro CTF AnswerMe ??? ChaCha ChaCha, ストリーム暗号, Salsa20 C
2014 Hack You Hashme 200 - Hash, Merkle-Damgård構造, Length-extension attack B
2014 HITCON CTF rsaha 200 RSA Franklin-Reiterrelated-message attack B
2014 Plaid CTF Parlor 200 - MD5, Length-extension attack S
2013 SECCON CTF quals Cryptanalysis 300 楕円曲線暗号 列挙法 C
2011 CODEGATE CTF Crypto 400 400 AES CBDモード, Padding oracle attack B

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