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[GCU] Moving UniqueLanes from only validating moves, to be a suppleme…
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…ntal YANG validator (#2234)

#### What I did
- Added a new supplemental YANG validator to validate UniqueLanes in `validate_config_db_config`
- Removed UniqueLanesMoveValidator as the lanes validation will be taken care of by FullConfigMoveValidator which uses `validate_config_db_config`

The benefit of this is at the beginning of `apply-patch` we make a call to `validate_config_db_config` to check if the given patch is valid or not ([code]( Now we will fail early, instead of going for the move generation and not being able to generate a moves.

#### How I did it
Check code.

#### How to verify it
Added unit-tests.

#### Previous command output (if the output of a command-line utility has changed)

#### New command output (if the output of a command-line utility has changed)
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ghooo authored and yxieca committed Jun 30, 2022
1 parent fbd79d4 commit c64454c
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Showing 4 changed files with 119 additions and 71 deletions.
43 changes: 41 additions & 2 deletions generic_config_updater/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,18 +113,57 @@ def validate_sonic_yang_config(self, sonic_yang_as_json):
def validate_config_db_config(self, config_db_as_json):
sy = self.create_sonic_yang_with_loaded_models()

# TODO: Move these validators to YANG models
supplemental_yang_validators = [self.validate_bgp_peer_group,

tmp_config_db_as_json = copy.deepcopy(config_db_as_json)



# TODO: modularize custom validations better or move directly to sonic-yang module
return self.validate_bgp_peer_group(config_db_as_json)
for supplemental_yang_validator in supplemental_yang_validators:
success, error = supplemental_yang_validator(config_db_as_json)
if not success:
return success, error
except sonic_yang.SonicYangException as ex:
return False, ex

return True, None

def validate_lanes(self, config_db):
if "PORT" not in config_db:
return True, None

ports = config_db["PORT"]

# Validate each lane separately, make sure it is not empty, and is a number
port_to_lanes_map = {}
for port in ports:
attrs = ports[port]
if "lanes" in attrs:
lanes_str = attrs["lanes"]
lanes_with_whitespaces = lanes_str.split(",")
lanes = [lane.strip() for lane in lanes_with_whitespaces]
for lane in lanes:
if not lane:
return False, f"PORT '{port}' has an empty lane"
if not lane.isdigit():
return False, f"PORT '{port}' has an invalid lane '{lane}'"
port_to_lanes_map[port] = lanes

# Validate lanes are unique
existing = {}
for port in port_to_lanes_map:
lanes = port_to_lanes_map[port]
for lane in lanes:
if lane in existing:
return False, f"'{lane}' lane is used multiple times in PORT: {set([port, existing[lane]])}"
existing[lane] = port
return True, None

def validate_bgp_peer_group(self, config_db):
if "BGP_PEER_RANGE" not in config_db:
return True, None
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25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions generic_config_updater/
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Expand Up @@ -565,30 +565,6 @@ def validate(self, move, diff):
is_valid, error = self.config_wrapper.validate_config_db_config(simulated_config)
return is_valid

# TODO: Add this validation to YANG models instead
class UniqueLanesMoveValidator:
A class to validate lanes and any port are unique between all ports.
def validate(self, move, diff):
simulated_config = move.apply(diff.current_config)

if "PORT" not in simulated_config:
return True

ports = simulated_config["PORT"]
existing = set()
for port in ports:
attrs = ports[port]
if "lanes" in attrs:
lanes_str = attrs["lanes"]
lanes = lanes_str.split(", ")
for lane in lanes:
if lane in existing:
return False
return True

class CreateOnlyMoveValidator:
A class to validate create-only fields are only created, but never modified/updated. In other words:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1507,7 +1483,6 @@ def create(self, algorithm=Algorithm.DFS):
move_validators = [DeleteWholeConfigMoveValidator(),
NoDependencyMoveValidator(self.path_addressing, self.config_wrapper),
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78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions tests/generic_config_updater/
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Expand Up @@ -260,6 +260,84 @@ def check_validate_bgp_peer_group(self, ip_range, other_ip_range=[], duplicated_
self.assertTrue(duplicated_ip in error)

def test_validate_lanes__no_port_table__success(self):
config = {"ACL_TABLE": {}}

def test_validate_lanes__empty_port_table__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {}}

def test_validate_lanes__empty_lane__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, 'has an empty lane')

def test_validate_lanes__whitespace_lane__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": " ", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, 'has an empty lane')

def test_validate_lanes__non_digits_lane__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "10g", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, "has an invalid lane '10g'")

def test_validate_lanes__space_between_digits_lane__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": " 1 0 ", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, "has an invalid lane '1 0'")

def test_validate_lanes__single_valid_lane__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66", "speed":"10000"}}}

def test_validate_lanes__different_valid_lanes_single_port__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66, 67, 68", "speed":"10000"}}}

def test_validate_lanes__different_valid_and_invalid_empty_lanes_single_port__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66, , 68", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, 'has an empty lane')

def test_validate_lanes__different_valid_and_invalid_non_digit_lanes_single_port__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66, 67, 10g", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, "has an invalid lane '10g'")

def test_validate_lanes__different_valid_lanes_multi_ports__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {
"Ethernet0": {"lanes": " 64 , 65 \t", "speed":"10000"},
"Ethernet1": {"lanes": " 66 , 67 \r\t\n, 68 ", "speed":"10000"},

def test_validate_lanes__same_valid_lanes_single_port__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "65 \r\t\n, 65", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_lanes(config, '65')

def test_validate_lanes__same_valid_lanes_multi_ports__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {
"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "64, 65, 67", "speed":"10000"},
"Ethernet1": {"lanes": "66, 67, 68", "speed":"10000"},
self.validate_lanes(config, '67')

def test_validate_lanes__same_valid_lanes_multi_ports_no_spaces__failure(self):
config = {"PORT": {
"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "64,65,67", "speed":"10000"},
"Ethernet1": {"lanes": "66,67,68", "speed":"10000"},
self.validate_lanes(config, '67')

def validate_lanes(self, config_db, expected_error=None):
# Arrange
config_wrapper = gu_common.ConfigWrapper()
expected = expected_error is None # if expected_error is None, then the input is valid

# Act
actual, error = config_wrapper.validate_lanes(config_db)

# Assert
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
if expected_error:
self.assertTrue(expected_error in error)

def test_crop_tables_without_yang__returns_cropped_config_db_as_json(self):
# Arrange
config_wrapper = gu_common.ConfigWrapper()
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44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions tests/generic_config_updater/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -868,49 +868,6 @@ def verify(self, operation_type, path, expected):
# Assert
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

class TestUniqueLanesMoveValidator(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.validator = ps.UniqueLanesMoveValidator()

def test_validate__no_port_table__success(self):
config = {"ACL_TABLE": {}}

def test_validate__empty_port_table__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {}}

def test_validate__single_lane__success(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66", "speed":"10000"}}}

def test_validate__different_lanes_single_port___success(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "66, 67, 68", "speed":"10000"}}}

def test_validate__different_lanes_multi_ports___success(self):
config = {"PORT": {
"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "64, 65", "speed":"10000"},
"Ethernet1": {"lanes": "66, 67, 68", "speed":"10000"},

def test_validate__same_lanes_single_port___success(self):
config = {"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"lanes": "65, 65", "speed":"10000"}}}
self.validate_target_config(config, False)

def validate_target_config(self, target_config, expected=True):
# Arrange
current_config = {}
diff = ps.Diff(current_config, target_config)
move = ps.JsonMove(diff, OperationType.REPLACE, [], [])

# Act
actual = self.validator.validate(move, diff)

# Assert
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

class TestFullConfigMoveValidator(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.any_current_config = Mock()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3038,7 +2995,6 @@ def verify(self, algo, algo_class):
expected_validator = [ps.DeleteWholeConfigMoveValidator,
Expand Down

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