Building POC of streaming pipeline with Flink, Kafka, Pinot
- Kafka + message producer with Kafka client
- (Optional) Kafka producer with Monix
- Flink dummy forwarding app
- Flink deduplication app
- Add Pinot to the pipeline
- Ingest Kafka to Pinot
- Deduplication state size estimate
- Flink app basic metrics and state monitoring (state size,..)
- Kafka-Flink: Resiliency in case of failed serialization Kafka record
- Exactly once Flink + Kafka
- Exactly once Kafka + Pinot
- Running end2end in CI pipeline
data generator -> input-user-events (Kafka) -> output-user-events (Kafka) -> Pinot
# in project root folder
docker-compose up
# create input topic
docker exec streaming-kafka-1 kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--create \
--topic input-user-events \
# create output topic
docker exec streaming-kafka-1 kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--create \
--topic output-user-events \
# produce
sbt project kafkaProducer/run
# check producing to input correctly
docker exec --interactive --tty streaming-kafka-1 \
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic input-user-events \
# start flink app
sbt project userActivityProcessing/run
# consume from output topic
docker exec --interactive --tty streaming-kafka-1 \
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic output-user-events \
# test kafka connection inside docker network
docker run --network=streaming-pipeline_default \
confluentinc/cp-kafkacat kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -L
# go to localhost:9000 to access pinot web UI
# docker run -v <local_dir>:<container_dir> # bind a local dir to volume of container
# add table, guide
docker run \
--network=streaming-pipeline_default \
-v $(pwd)/integration:/tmp/integration \
apachepinot/pinot:latest AddTable \
-schemaFile /tmp/integration/web-user-events/user-events_schema.json \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/integration/web-user-events/user-events_realtimeTableConfig.json \
-controllerHost pinot-controller \
-controllerPort 9000 \
# or using the admin script
~/Softwares/apache-pinot-0.10.0-bin/bin/ AddSchema \
-schemaFile="./integration/web-user-events/pinot-table-schema-realtime-user-events.json" \
# how to create new user events realtime table? upload schema and table config?
# how to connect pinot and the kafka running in docker?
# can I create the table through the UI?
# go to Pinot UI localhost:9000 and query with this
select * from "user-events" limit 10
# clean up stopped containers
docker-compose rm
Running Kafka producer which continuously produces user events to Kafka
- Run class KafkaProducerMain in IDE
- sbt project kafkaProducer run
State size esimate
- 10M users (keyed by userID) ->??
Reducing state size
- State is partitioned by userID and is maintained for 1 day, eventID that was inserted for more than 1 day got deleted. The state per userID cannot be simply dropped after 1 day though because it contains recent events. You can imagine that we want to keep the state of all eventID of a user as a sliding window of 1-day interval and it slides every 30 minutes.
Exactly-once Kafka-Flink-Kafka
Exactly-once Kafka-Pinot
Which state to use for the DedupOperator?
should use a ValueState or MapState<String, _>?
Available state
- KeyedState
- ValueState
- ListState
- ReducingState
- AggregatingState
- MapState
- OperatorState: should not be used because it is bounded to 1 parallel instance. One parallel instance does have all the state for dedup, e.g. one eventID "1" processed by 1 operator instance but after that another came to another instance, eventID "1" does not exist in that operator state, hence it is processed again, in case we have Kafka as a sink there are 2 events with eventID "1" in the sink topic.
- BroadcastState: useful in case of sharing states btw streams, here there is only 1 stream.
Kafka Connector Sink
- when to use what? KafkaRecordSerializationSchema, KafkaRecordSerializationSchemaBuilder, KafkaSerializerWrapper
should be entry point when trying to serialize elements tokafka.clients.Producer.ProducerRecord
. Access the builder viaKafkaRecordSerializationSchema.builder[T]()
is not marked as public, so it should not be used.
When to use RichFunction over Function?
- need to manage the function life cycle
- need to access runtime context
Difference between RichFunction and ProcessFunction?
- ProcessFunction is in DataStream API
org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions , while RichFunction is in common APIflink-core
org.apache.flink.api.common.functions - ProcessFunction extends RichFunction -> can access setup, teardown, runtime context API if RichFunction
Can a state like
be used in RichFilterFunction?
- yes if this is used on a KeyedStream, i.e. after a keyBy method
Difference between KeyedState and OperatorState?
: yes in KeyedState, no in OperatorStateOn-heap/Off-heap store
: only KS has option storing on RocksDB. OS always stored on-heap, KS backends support both on-heap and off-heap state objects.Snapshoting and Recovery
: OS manually. KS implemented automatically by Flink.State size
: frequently OS size < KS size
is a source, a sink, or it applies an operation to one or more inputs,
producing a result.
A KeyedCoProcessFunction connects two streams that have been keyed in
compatible ways -- the two streams are mapped to the same keyspace
-- making it possible for the KeyedCoProcessFunction to have keyed state
that relates to both streams.
For example, you might want to join a stream of customer transactions with a stream of customer updates -- joining them on the customer_id. You would implement this in Flink (if doing so at a low level) by keying both streams by the customer_id, and connecting those keyed streams with a KeyedCoProcessFunction.
If use scala dependencies, use Scala <= 2.12.8, if not you have to build for yourself
Scala versions after 2.12.8 are not binary compatible with previous 2.12.x versions. This prevents the Flink project from upgrading its 2.12.x builds beyond 2.12.8.
When running Flink in IDE,
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This is probably because you do not have all required Flink dependencies implicitly loaded into the classpath.
IntelliJ IDEA: Go to Run > Edit Configurations > Modify options > Select include dependencies with "Provided" scope. This run configuration will now include all required classes to run the application from within the IDE
Using IntelliJ IDEA, error Library does not match byte code when viewing source of Kafka/ Flink
Probaby because of 2 library depends on 1 lib of different version -> fix, isolate the dependency, remove the cached libs and reindex.
sbt uses coursier lib cache on MacOS ~/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/
Pinot java.lang.IllegalStateException: There are less instances: 1 in instance partitions: user-events_CONSUMING than the table replication: 2
replicasPerPartition value in segmentsConfig
in realtimeTableConfig must be the same as num topic partition#
# produce to Kafka topic using console producer
docker exec --interactive --tty streaming-kafka-1 kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic input-user-events
# consumer from the end (latest)
docker exec --interactive --tty streaming-kafka-1 \
kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic input-user-events
~/Softwares/apache-pinot-0.10.0-bin/bin/ QuickStart -type stream
# goto localhost:9000 to query the data
- Best Practices and Tips for Working with Flink State
- Manage state with huge memory usage
- Flink checkpoint interval and state size
- Flink checkpoint time and size increase