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Nyx is a gradle plugin intended to simplify gradle buildscripts using common conventions


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Nyx Gradle Plugin

Build Status MIT license Maven Central Pure Kotlin Discord Server


Add the following to your build.gradle/build.gradle.kts

plugins {
    id("ca.solo-studios.nyx") version "[nyx version]"

If you want to use a snapshot version, add the solo-studios snapshots repo to your settings.gradle.kts

pluginManagement {
    repositories {


The enabled features depend on which other plugins are loaded.


nyx adds a nyx block with an info extension. The info extension is used to configure metadata about the project:

nyx {
    info {
        // This is the full name of your project.
        // Defaults to ``, with `-` replaced with spaces, and the first character of each word capitalized
        name = "My Project"

        // The group of your project. Used for publishing, among other things.
        // Defaults to
        group = "com.example"

        // The module name. Used for publishing/etc.
        // Defaults to ``
        module = "my-project"

        // The version of the project.
        // Defaults to project.version.
        version = "1.2.3"

        // The description of your project. Used for publishing.
        // Defaults to project.description, if set.
        description = """
            My project's description

        // The url of the associated organization. Used for publishing.
        organizationUrl = ""

        // The name of the organization associated with this project. Used for publishing.
        organizationName = "Solo Studios"

        // Add a developer to the project. Used for publishing.
        developer {
            id = "solonovamax"
            name = "solonovamax"
            email = ""
            url = ""

        // Configure repository information. Used for publishing.
        repository {
            // Set a github repository
            // This sets the url to
            fromGithub(owner = "solo-studios", repo = "my-project")
            // equivalent to
            // fromGitHostWithIssues(owner, repo, "", "Github")

            // Set a repository from gitlab (
            // This sets the url to
            fromGitlab(owner = "solo-studios", repo = "my-project")
            // equivalent to
            // fromGitHostWithIssues(owner, repo, "", "Gitlab")

            // Set a repository from codeberg (
            // This sets the url to
            fromCodeberg(owner = "solo-studios", repo = "my-project")
            // equivalent to
            // fromGitHostWithIssues(owner, repo, "", "Codeberg")

            // Set a repository from a git host that has a /issues page
            // This sets the url to
                owner = "solo-studios",
                repo = "my-project",
                host = "",
                name = "Solo Studios Forgejo"

            // Set a repository from a git host that does *not* have a /issues page
            // It is recommended to also set the issue management system and the issues url if you use this
            // This sets the url to
            fromGitHost(owner = "solo-studios", repo = "my-project", host = "")

            // Set issue management system name
            issueManagement = "Jira"

            // Set issues url
            projectIssues = ""
        // You can also set the repository by doing
        repository.fromGithub("solo-studios", "my-project")

        // Configures license information. Used for publishing.

        license {
            // Set the name of the license
            // If possible, this should be the SPDX identifier of the license.
            name = "My Custom License"

            // Set the url of the license
            url = ""

            // It is recommended to instead use these convenience methods instead of setting the name/url directly

            // Uses MIT license

            // Uses Apache 2.0 license

            // Uses BSD-3-Clause license

            // Uses GPL 3.0

            // Uses LGPL 3.0

            // Uses AGPL 3.0

            // Uses MPL 2.0

            // For a list of all available licenses please see NyxLicenseInfoExtension.kt

Misc. Utilities

Some additional miscellaneous utilities are offered, specifically for adding/configuring repositories.

They must be imported from the ca.solostudios.nyx.util package.

Utilities for common repositories

nyx contains several utility functions for adding common repositories:

import ca.solostudios.nyx.util.*

repositories {
    fabric() // Adds the fabric maven repository
    quilt() // Adds the quilt maven repository
    architectury() // Adds the architectury maven repository
    neoforged() // Adds the neoforged maven repository
    soloStudios() // Adds the solo-studios maven repository
    soloStudiosSnapshots() // Adds the solo-studios snapshots maven repository
    masaModding() // Adds masa's maven repository
    shedaniel() // Adds Shedaniel's maven repository
    blamejared() // Adds BlameJared's maven repository
    terraformersMC() // Adds the TerraformersMC maven repository
    codeMC() // Adds the CodeMC maven repository
    wispForest() // Adds the wishforest maven repository
    jamiesWhiteShirt() // Adds JamiesWhiteShirt's maven repository
    curseMaven() // Adds the cursemaven maven repository
    sonatypeSnapshots() // Adds the sonatype snapshots maven repository
    modrinth() // Adds the modrinth maven repository
    ladysnake() // Adds the ladysnake maven repository
    parchment() // Adds the ParchmentMC maven repository
    devOS() // Adds the devOS maven repository
    devOSSnapshots() // Adds the devOS snapshots maven repository
    sleepingTown() // Adds the maven repository
    modMaven() // Adds the modmaven maven repository
    tterrag() // Adds tterrag's maven repository
Utilities for publishing to repositories

nyx contains several utility functions for publishing to repositories:

import ca.solostudios.nyx.util.*

nyx {
    publishing {
        repositories {
            // Configures publication to a reposilite maven repository.
            reposiliteMaven("") {
                name = "SoloStudios"
            // this is equivalent to the following:
            maven("") {
                name = "SoloStudios"

                authentication {

Use the reposiliteMaven if you are publishing to a reposilite repository, as it is slightly more convenient.

JVM plugins

When any jvm plugin is present, a compile extension will be added to nyx:

nyx {
    compile {
        // Enables/disabled the 'all warnings' feature for the java or kotlin compiler
        // Defaults to false
        allWarnings = true
        withAllWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables the 'warnings as errors' feature for the java/kotlin compiler
        // Defaults to false
        warningsAsErrors = true
        withWarningsAsErrors() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Include the LICENSE file in any output jar files
        // Defaults to true
        distributeLicense = true
        withDistributeLicense() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // The encoding used for compilation
        // Defaults to UTF-8
        encoding = "UTF-8"

        // Enables zip64 support for any output jars
        // Defaults to false
        zip64 = true
        withZip64() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // If the `build` task should depend on all tasks of type `Jar`
        // Defaults to true
        buildDependsOnJar = true
        withBuildDependsOnJar() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // If all java/kotlin compiler warnings should be suppressed
        // Defaults to false
        suppressWarnings = true
        withSuppressWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // The jvm toolchain version to use
        // Note: this uses gradle toolchains:
        // This will force gradle to use a specific jdk version, installing it if not found
        jvmToolchain = 17

        // The jvm version to target. This is the bytecode version of the resulting class files
        jvmTarget = 8

        // If the sources jar should be enabled
        // Defaults to false
        withSourcesJar = true
        withSourcesJar() // alternative that sets it to true

        // If the javadoc jar should be enabled
        // If the kotlin plugin is loaded, then requires the dokka plugin to be loaded.
        // Defaults to false
        withJavadocJar = true
        withJavadocJar() // alternative that sets it to true

        // If reproducible builds should be enabled
        // This strips timestamps from all files in the resulting jar
        // Defaults to false
        reproducibleBuilds = true
        withReproducibleBuilds() // Alternative that sets it to true

Java (java plugin)

When the java plugin is present, a java extension will be added to the compile extension:

nyx {
    compile {
        java {
            // Enables/disabled the 'all warnings' feature for the java compiler
            // Inherited from compile.allWarnings
            allWarnings = true
            withAllWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables the 'warnings as errors' feature for the java compiler
            // Inherited from compile.warningsAsErrors
            warningsAsErrors = true
            withWarningsAsErrors() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // The encoding used for compilation
            // Inherited from compile.encoding
            encoding = "UTF-8"

            // If all java compiler warnings should be suppressed
            // Inherited from compile.suppressWarnings
            suppressWarnings = true
            withSuppressWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // If all javadoc warnings are enabled.
            // Defaults to false
            allJavadocWarnings = true
            withAllJavadocWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // If missing element javadoc warnings are enabled.
            // Defaults to false
            noMissingJavadocWarnings = true
            withNoMissingJavadocWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // If emitting javadoc warnings as errors is enabled
            // Defaults to false
            javadocWarningsAsErrors = true
            withJavadocWarningsAsErrors() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // If all javadoc warnings should be suppressed.
            // Defaults to false
            suppressJavadocWarnings = true
            withSuppressJavadocWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // The jvm toolchain version to use
            // Note: this uses gradle toolchains:
            // This will force gradle to use a specific jdk version, installing it if not found
            // Inherited from compile.jvmToolchain
            jvmToolchain = 17

            // The jvm version to target. This is the bytecode version of the resulting class files
            // This will set the following properties
            // - java.targetCompatibility
            // - java.sourceCompatibility
            // - options.release for all tasks of type JavaCompile
            // Inherited from compile.jvmTarget
            jvmTarget = 8

            // If the sources jar should be enabled
            // Inherited from compile.withSourcesJar
            withSourcesJar = true
            withSourcesJar() // alternative that sets it to true

            // If the javadoc jar should be enabled
            // Inherited from compile.withSourcesJar
            withJavadocJar = true
            withJavadocJar() // alternative that sets it to true

            // A list of arguments to add to the compiler args passed to javac
            // Defaults to an empty list
            compilerArgs = listOf(
                "-g", // generate all debug info

Kotlin (org.jetbrains.kotlin.*/kotlin("jvm") plugin)

When a org.jetbrains.kotlin.* plugin is present (such as when using kotlin("jvm")), a kotlin extension will be added to the compile extension:

nyx {
    compile {
        kotlin {
            // The kotlin api version to use
            // Allow using declarations only from the specified version of bundled libraries
            apiVersion = "2.0"

            // The kotlin language version to use
            // Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin
            languageVersion = "2.0"

            // The list of opt-in annotations
            // Enable usages of API that requires opt-in with an opt-in requirement marker with the given fully qualified name
            // Defaults to an empty list
            optIn = listOf("kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi")

            // The explicit api mode
            // Option that tells the compiler if and how to report issues on all public API declarations without explicit visibility or return type.
            // Defaults to ExplicitApiMode.Disabled
            explicitApi = ExplicitApiMode.Strict
            withExplicitApi() // Alternative that sets the explicit api mode to strict
            withExplicitApiWarning() // Alternative that sets the explicit api mode to warning

            // Enables/disables the 'warnings as errors' feature for the kotlin compiler
            // Inherited from compile.warningsAsErrors
            warningsAsErrors = true
            withWarningsAsErrors() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // If all kotlin compiler warnings should be suppressed
            // Inherited from compile.suppressWarnings
            suppressWarnings = true
            withSuppressWarnings() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // The jvm toolchain version to use
            // Note: this uses gradle toolchains:
            // This will force gradle to use a specific jdk version, installing it if not found
            // Inherited from compile.jvmToolchain
            jvmToolchain = 17

            // The jvm version to target. This is the bytecode version of the resulting class files
            // This will set the following properties
            // Inherited from compile.jvmTarget
            jvmTarget = 8

            // If the sources jar should be enabled
            // Inherited from compile.withSourcesJar
            withSourcesJar = true
            withSourcesJar() // alternative that sets it to true

            // If the javadoc jar should be enabled
            // Requires the dokka plugin to be loaded
            // Inherited from compile.withSourcesJar
            withJavadocJar = true
            withJavadocJar() // alternative that sets it to true

            // A list of arguments to add to the compiler args passed to kotlinc
            // Defaults to an empty list
            compilerArgs = listOf("-Xcontext-receivers")

Publishing Plugins

nyx has a publishing extension which allows you to configure how the project is published.

Maven Publish (maven-publish plugin)

setting publishing.publish to true will enable the maven-publish plugin, which allows you to configure how the project is published to a maven repository.

If publish has been set to true, then a publishing configuration will be automatically added and configured with the following information:

  • as the group id
  • info.module as the module id
  • info.version as the version
  • as the name
  • info.description as the description
  • info.repository.projectUrl as the url
  • info.organizationName/info.organizationUrl as the organization name/url (if present)
  • info.developers as the developers
  • as the license name/url if present
  • info.repository.issueManagement as the issue management system
  • info.repository.projectIssues as the issue management url
  • info.repository.projectCloneScmUri as the scm connection
  • info.repository.projectCloneDeveloperUri as the scm developer connection
  • info.repository.projectUrl as the scm url
nyx {
    publishing {
        // Enables/disables publishing
        // Enabling this will apply the `maven-publish` plugin and the `signing` plugins
        // Defaults to false
        publish = true
        withPublish() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables the `publish` task depending on the `sign` task
        // Defaults to true
        publishDependsOnSign = true
        withPublishDependsOnSign() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Allows in-memory PGP keys to be used. This is useful for CI.
        // Using the gradle properties
        // - signingKey: the ascii-armored pgp key
        // - signingKeyId: the id of the subkey pgp to use
        // - signingPassword: the password of the ascii-armoed pgp key
        // You can either provide these in multiple ways:
        // - on the command line using -PsigningKey="..." -PsigningKeyId="..." -PsigningPassword="..." (not recommended)
        // - by adding them to your `` in either $GRADLE_USER_HOME or the project directory
        // - by adding them as environment variables using the syntax `ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_${variable name}`
        inMemoryPgpKeys = true
        withAllowInMemoryPgpKeys() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // This will set publish, publishDependsOnSign, and allowInMemoryPgpKeys all to true

        // This is where you configure the repositories you're publishing to.
        // It is configured exactly the same as if you were using the normal publishing block
        repositories {
            maven {
                name = "SoloStudios"
                url = uri("")

                // Since PasswordCredentials has been used, gradle get the credentials from
                // - the SoloStudiosUsername property
                // - the SoloStudiosPassword property
                // You can set these in multiple ways:
                // - on the command line using -PSoloStudiosUsername="..." -PSoloStudiosPassword="..." (not recommended)
                // - by adding them to your `` in either $GRADLE_USER_HOME or the project directory
                // - by adding them as environment variables using the syntax `ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_${variable name}`
                // for your personal development machine, I recommend placing them in the `` in your $GRADLE_USER_HOME directory
                // this is located at `~/.gradle/` on linux/macos and `%USERPROFILE%\.gradle\` on windows
                // for a CI server, I recommend providing them using environment variables

GitHub Release Plugin (com.github.breadmoirai.github-release plugin)

If the com.github.breadmoirai.github-release plugin is present, then a github extension will be added to the publishing extension.

The github release extension will attempt to load the token used for publishing from one of two places:

  • the github.token gradle property. This can be specified in several different ways
    • on the command line using -Pgithub.token="..." (not recommended)
    • by adding github.token to your in either $GRADLE_USER_HOME or the project directory (located at ~/.gradle/ on linux/macos and %USERPROFILE%\.gradle\ on windows)
    • by adding a ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_github.token environment variable (recommended for CI environments)
  • the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
nyx {
    publishing {
        github {
            // Enables/disables the generation of release notes
            generateReleaseNotes = true
            withGenerateReleaseNotes() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // The text describing the tag for the release
            body = file("CHANGELOG").readText()

            // Enables/disables the draft setting for a release
            draft = true
            withDraft() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables the prerelease setting for a release
            prerelease = true
            withPrerelease() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables overwriting an existing release
            overwrite = true
            withOverwrite() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables uploading artifacts to an existing release
            uploadToExisting = true
            withUploadToExisting() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables the dry-run setting, which will not publish the release to github
            dryRun = true
            withDryRun() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // A file collection of all the release assets
            // using the from method to use the outputs of the jar task as the inputs for this
            // you can also use the releaseAssets function instead
            releaseAssets {

Minecraft Plugins

If one of several different minecraft gradle plugins is present, then a minecraft extension will be added to nyx

nyx {
    minecraft {
        // The memory to be allocated to the jvm, in gigabytes
        // Defaults to 2
        allocatedMemory = 4

        // Any additional jvm arguments to be passed to the jvm
        // Defaults to ["-XX:+UseZGC"]
        additionalJvmArgs.add("-XX:+ZGenerational") // -XX:+ZGenerational only works with jdk >= 21

        // Any additional jvm properties to be added to the jvm
        // Equivalent to adding -D[property]=[value]
        additionalJvmProperties.put("fabric.development", "true")

Loom (fabric-loom, org.quiltmc.loom, and dev.architectury.loom plugins)

If any loom-based plugin is present (currently supported: fabric-loom, org.quiltmc.loom, and dev.architectury.loom), then the minecraft extension is extended as follows:

nyx {
    minecraft {
        // Enables/disables interface injection
        // See loom docs for more information
        interfaceInjection = true
        withInterfaceInjection() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables transitive access wideners
        // See loom docs for more information
        transitiveAccessWideners = true
        withTransitiveAccessWideners() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables mod-provided javadoc
        // See loom docs for more information
        modProvidedJavadoc = true
        withModProvidedJavadoc() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables runtime-only log4j
        // See loom docs for more information
        runtimeOnlyLog4j = true
        withRuntimeOnlyLog4j() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables split mod dependencies
        splitModDependencies = true
        withSplitModDependencies() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables split environment sourcesets
        // See loom docs for more information
        splitEnvironmentalSourceSet = true
        withSplitEnvironmentalSourceSet() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables generation of only the minecraft server jar
        // See loom docs for more information
        serverOnlyMinecraftJar = true
        withServerOnlyMinecraftJar() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables/disables generation of only the minecraft client jar
        // See loom docs for more information
        clientOnlyMinecraftJar = true
        withClientOnlyMinecraftJar() // Alternative that sets it to true

        // Enables data generation with default configuration
        // Configures data generation
        configureDataGeneration {
            // See the loom docs for more information

        // Configures the decompilers
        decompilers {
            // See the loom docs for more information

        // Configures the loom runs
        runs {
            // See the loom docs for more information

        // Configures the defined mods
        mods {
            // See the loom docs for more information

        // Adds an access widener at `src/main/resources/${name}.accesswidener`
        // If the access widener does not exist, it will be created and a warning will be emitted
        accessWidener("my-project") // this adds an access widener at src/main/resources/my-project.accesswidener

NeoGradle (net.neoforged.gradle.userdev, net.neoforged.gradle.mixin, and other net.neoforged.gradle.* plugins)

If a neogradle plugin is present, then the minecraft exntesion is extended as follows:

nyx {
    minecraft {
        // Sets the mod identifier
        modIdentifier = "my-mod"

        // Configures the naming channels
        namingChannels {
            // See the neogradle docs for more information

        // Configures the mappings
        mappings {
            // See the neogradle docs for more information

        // Configures the access transformers
        accessTransformers {
            // See the neogradle docs for more information

Mixins (any loom-based plugin or with net.neoforged.gradle.mixin)

If mixins are enabled, then a mixin extension will be added to the minecraft extension.

Mixins are only enabled when either a loom-based plugin is present, or when net.neoforged.gradle.mixin is present.

nyx {
    minecraft {
        mixin {
            // Enables/disables hotswapping mixins
            // Note: this will also find the first net.fabricmc:sponge-mixin artifact on the runtime classpath and add it as a java agent
            // If you have just added this plugin and had previously generated run configurations, delete them so they can be re-created
            // Sets the mixin.hotSwap jvm property
            // Defaults to true
            hotswap = true
            withHotswap() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables *ALL* mixin debug features. this includes mixin.debug.verify
            // Note: enabling this can sometimes cause issues with other mods' mixins
            // Sets the mixin.debug jvm property
            // Defaults to false
            debug = true
            withDebug() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables mixin verbose logging
            // Sets the mixin.debug.verbose jvm property
            // Defaults to true
            verbose = true
            withVerbose() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables dumping the target class on failures
            // Sets the mixin.dumpTargetOnFailure jvm property
            // Defaults to true
            dumpTargetOnFailure = true
            withDumpTargetOnFailure() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables mixin checks
            // Note: enabling this can sometimes cause issues with other mods' mixins.
            // Sets the mixin.checks jvm property
            // Defaults to false
            checks = true
            withChecks() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables mixin debug verification
            // Note: enabling this can sometimes cause issues with other mods' mixins
            // Sets the mixin.debug.verify jvm property
            // Defaults to false
            verify = true
            withVerify() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables exporting the mixins after they have been applied
            // This will export the classes in the `.mixin.out` dir under the run directory
            // This sets the mixin.debug.export jvm property
            // Defaults to true
            export = true
            withExports() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Selects the mixin config file to use
            // This is relative to `src/main/resources/`
            // NeoGradle ONLY

            // Selects the default mixin refmap name to use
            // This will set the default mixin refmap name to `mixins/${name}/refmap.json`.
            // Loom-based plugins ONLY

Minotaur (com.modrinth.minotaur plugin)

If the com.modrinth.minotaur plugin is present, then a minotaur extension will be added to the minecraft extension. This is used for publishing to modrinth.

The modrinth extension will attempt to load the token used for publishing from one of two places:

  • the modrinth.token gradle property. This can be specified in several different ways
    • on the command line using -Pmodrinth.token="..." (not recommended)
    • by adding modrinth.token to your in either $GRADLE_USER_HOME or the project directory (located at ~/.gradle/ on linux/macos and %USERPROFILE%\.gradle\ on windows)
    • by adding a ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_modrinth.token environment variable (recommended for CI environments)
  • the MODRINTH_TOKEN environment variable
nyx {
    minecraft {
        minotaur {
            // The project id/slug
            projectId = "my-project"

            // The changelog for this release
            changelog = file("CHANGELOG").readText()

            // The updated body of the mod page
            syncBody = file("").readText()

            // The version type for this release
            versionType = VersionType.BETA

            // The file to upload.
            // This is automatically set to output from remapJar if a loom-based plugin is present
            file = tasks.named<Jar>("remapJar").archiveFile

            // Any additional files to be uploaded
            additionalFiles {

            // The list of game versions this release supports
            gameVersions = listOf("1.19.2", "1.19.3", "1.19.4")

            // The list of loaders
            // By default this is detected automatically
            loaders = listOf("fabric", "quilt")

            // If the modrinth task should fail silently
            failSilently = false
            withFailSilently() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables the detection of loaders
            detectLoaders = true
            withDetectLoaders() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Enables/disables automatically adding the `dependsOn` information for upload files
            autoAddDependsOn = true
            withAutoAddDependsOn() // Alternative that sets it to true

            // Configures the dependencies
            dependencies {
                // Mark a project as incompatible

                // Mark a specific version as incompatible
                incompatible("project-id", "1.2.3")

                // Mark a project as optional

                // Mark a specific version as optional
                optional("project-id", "1.2.3")

                // Mark a project as required

                // Mark a specific version as required
                required("project-id", "1.2.3")

                // Mark a project as embedded

                // Mark a specific version as embedded
                embedded("project-id", "1.2.3")


Nyx is a gradle plugin intended to simplify gradle buildscripts using common conventions





