The purpose of this repository is to dynamically generate correctly taged docker images for the different existing Flipper Zero firmwares. "Pre-configured" firmwares:
- Official Firmware. The official Fliper Zero firmware
- Unleashed Firmware. Unleashed firmware version focusing on new features and enhancements
- RogueMaster Firmware. A fork of unleashed, with more experimental functionalities.
This repository has a github action configured that when a tag is created, it triggers a pipeline that executes a series of actions that builds the docker image of the desired firmware based on the tags. The result of this image is uploaded to the repository's own package manager.
Available tags:
- ofw-*
- unlshd-*
- RM -*
These tags have configured variables at the repository level with the url of the tags' code, which is dynamically resolved in the pipelines.
Once a new tag is created in the repository it dynamically resolves the firmware version used, clones the remote repository and runs the ./fbt
command to install the flipper build tool and compile the firmware.
The docker image follows a multi-stage strategy to start from a base (containing software needed to make curl requests, parse yaml files...) that can be cached (and in the future migrated to a base image).
# Flipper Zero Official firmware
docker build `
--build-arg firmware_repo= `
--build-arg firmware_version=0.84.2 `
-t --target final .
- Create base image with Flipper Build Tool
- Change image generation strategy. (config.yml with the different repositories and merge the pull request to generate all the images at once.)?