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Slow parsing #20

colasbd opened this issue Dec 27, 2016 · 12 comments

Slow parsing #20

colasbd opened this issue Dec 27, 2016 · 12 comments


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colasbd commented Dec 27, 2016

I'm using this .tmLanguage (it is latex).

The parsing of the following text is very long (more than 1 minute). Is there a problem?

%%   This is my macro files
%%   Feel free to use it or to delete it
%%   Anyway, this is where you put your own macros
%%   (in addition to these ones
%%    or in replacement as you want)

%%%%%%    Fonctions, notations usuelles   %%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%    Ensembles classiques        %%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%    Notations pour les probas   %%%%%%%%

\def\P{P} %\def\P{\mathbb{P}}
\newcommand{\Pcond}[2]{\P_{#1}\left ( #2\right )}
\newcommand{\covar}[2]{\mathrm{cov}\left (#1, #2 \right)}
\newcommand{\Correlation}[2]{\mathrm{cor}\left (#1, #2 \right )}

\newcommand{\Binomiale}[2]{\mathcal{B}(#1, #2)}
\newcommand{\Normale}[2]{\mathscr{N}(#1, #2)}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Matrices   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Espaces vectoriels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% cf.
\DeclareDocumentCommand\GL{ m g }{%
{\IfNoValueTF {#2} {\GLcore\left (#1 \right )} {\GLcore_{#1}\left (#2 \right )}

\DeclareDocumentCommand\SL{ m g }{%
{\IfNoValueTF {#2} {\SLcore\left (#1 \right )} {\SLcore_{#1}\left (#2 \right )}

\DeclareDocumentCommand\SO{ m g }{%
{\IfNoValueTF {#2} {\SOcore\left (#1 \right )} {\SOcore_{#1}\left (#2 \right )}

\newcommand{\Mat}[2]{\mathrm{M}_{#1}\left ( #2\right)}
\newcommand{\MatRectangle}[3]{\mathrm{M}_{#1\, #2}\left ( #3\right)}

%\newcommand{\AppliLin}[2]{\mathscr{L}\left (#1, #2\right)}
%\newcommand{\Endo}[1]{\mathscr{L}\left (#1\right)}
\newcommand{\AppliLin}[2]{\mathrm{L}\left (#1, #2\right)}
\newcommand{\Endo}[1]{\mathrm{L}\left (#1\right)}

\newcommand{\Orth}[1]{\mathrm{O}\left (#1\right)}
\newcommand{\MatOrth}[1]{\mathrm{O}_{#1}\left (\R\right)}


%% old way
%%\newcommand{\Transposee}[1]{\prescript{\mathrm t}{}{#1}}
\newcommand{\TransposeeParenth}[1]{\transp{\left (#1\right )}}
\newcommand*{\transp}[2][-3mu]{\ensuremath{\mskip1mu\prescript{\smash{\mathrm t\mkern#1}}{}{\mathstrut#2}}}%

%% new way
\newcommand{\TransposeeNewParenth}[1]{\transpNew{\left (#1\right )}}

\newcommand{\MatApplLin}[2]{\mathrm{Mat}_{#1}\left ( #2\right)}





%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Guillemets   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     Accolades   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\newcommand{\accolades}[1]{\left \{#1\right \}}
\newcommand{\accoladesB}[1]{\big \{#1\big \}}
\newcommand{\accoladesBB}[1]{\Big \{#1\Big \}}
\newcommand{\accoladesBBB}[1]{\bigg \{#1\bigg \}}
\newcommand{\accoladesBBBB}[1]{\Bigg \{#1\Bigg \}}

\newcommand{\crochets}[1]{\left [#1\right ]}
\newcommand{\crochetsB}[1]{\big [#1\big ]}
\newcommand{\crochetsBB}[1]{\Big [#1\Big ]}
\newcommand{\crochetsBBB}[1]{\bigg [#1\bigg ]}

\newcommand{\crochetsOuv}[1]{\left ]#1\right [}
\newcommand{\crochetsOuvB}[1]{\big ]#1\big [}
\newcommand{\crochetsOuvBB}[1]{\Big ]#1\Big [}
\newcommand{\crochetsOuvBBB}[1]{\bigg ]#1\bigg [}


\newcommand{\parenth}[1]{\left (#1\right )}
\newcommand{\parenthB}[1]{\big (#1\big )}
\newcommand{\parenthBB}[1]{\Big (#1\Big )}
\newcommand{\parenthBBB}[1]{\bigg (#1\bigg )}

\newcommand{\accoladesForAnd}[2]{\left \{\begin{array}{ll}#1\\[1mm]#2\end{array}\right.}

%%%%%%%%%%%    Produit scalaire   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Intervalles   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\intervalle}[2]{\left [#1, #2 \right ]}
\newcommand{\intervalleOF}[2]{\left ]#1, #2 \right ]}
\newcommand{\intervalleFO}[2]{\left [#1, #2 \right [}
\newcommand{\intervalleN}[2]{\left \llbracket #1, #2 \right \rrbracket}

%%%%%%%   Mon propre style de listes   %%%%%%%%%%%

% ex : \begin{myItemize}[2mm] \myItem Bonjour \myItem Hello \end{myItemize}

\usepackage{xifthen}% provides \isempty test

{}% if #1 is empty
{(((#1)))}% if #1 is not empty

{}% if #1 is empty
{\setlength{\itemsep}{#1}}% if #1 is not empty


%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Valeur absolue        %%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\va}[1]{\left | #1 \right |}
\newcommand{\vaB}[1]{\big | #1 \big |}
\newcommand{\vaBB}[1]{\Big | #1 \Big |}
\newcommand{\vaBBB}[1]{\bigg | #1 \bigg |}

\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left \| #1 \right \|}
\newcommand{\normB}[1]{\big \| #1 \big \|}
\newcommand{\normBB}[1]{\Big \| #1 \Big \|}
\newcommand{\normBBB}[1]{\bigg \| #1 \bigg \|}

\newcommand{\normetriple}[1]{\left | \! \left | \! \left |  #1 \right | \! \right | \! \right |}
\newcommand{\normetripleB}[1]{\big | \! \big | \! \big |  #1 \big | \! \big | \! \big |}
\newcommand{\normetripleBB}[1]{\Big | \! \Big| \! \Big |  #1 \Big | \! \Big | \! \Big |}
\newcommand{\normetripleBBB}[1]{\bigg | \! \bigg | \! \bigg |  #1 \bigg | \! \bigg | \! \bigg |}

%%%%%%    Le d de dx dans les intégrales    %%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Modulo        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\modd}[1]{\ (#1)}

%%%%%%% Petits mots français qu'on trouve dans les formules (ou pas)

\newcommand{\ie}{\emph{ie} }
\newcommand{\et}{\text{ et }}
\newcommand{\donc}{\text{ donc }}
\newcommand{\ou}{\text{ ou }}
\newcommand{\cf}{\emph{cf.} }

%%%%%%%    Quantificateurs       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%% Raccourcis et petites commandes  %%%%%%%%


%%%%%%% Modification de \Im (et ker)  %%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%    Compléments xy-pic       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%% Pour centrer les diagrammes et autres
% ex : \boite{<le diagramme>}

%%%%%%% Pour écrire des fonctions
% ex : \fonction{\R}{\R}{x}{x^2}
$#1$&$\longrightarrow$&$#2$ \\
$#3$&$\longmapsto$&$#4$ \\

%%%%%%% Pour écrire des fonctions bis
% ex : \fonction{\R}{\R}{x}{x^2}
#1 \ar[r] & #2 \\
#3 \ar@{|->}[r] & #4}$
#1 \ar[r] & #2 \\
#3 \ar@{|->}[r] & #4}$

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Quotients   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%% Une commande pour les gros quotients
%  ancienne commande
%%%%\newcommand{\quotient}[2]{\raisebox{4pt}{$#1$} \Big/ \raisebox{-4pt}{$#2$}}
% ex : \quotient{Z}{nZ}
\newcommand{\quotient}[2]{\left. \raisebox{.2em}{$#1$}\middle/\raisebox{-.2em}{$#2$}\right.}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Canonical matrixes   %%%%%%%%

% example
% \canonicalmatrix{2\text{-ième ligne}}{3\text{-ième colonne}}{A}

& & \smash[t]{
& & 0
\cdots & 0 & 1 & 0 & \cdots\rlap{\quad$\leftarrow$ $#1$}
& & 0
& & \vdots
\end{array}%\hphantom{\text{\enspace$\leftarrow$ $#1$-#2 row}}

\left (
\vdots \\
0 \\
1 \\
0 \\
\right ) \text{\small $\gets$ $#1$-ième ligne}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Démo   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\demo}[1]{\noindent  \textit{Démonstration.\,---\!--} #1 $\blacksquare$}
\newcommand{\demoOf}[2]{\noindent  \textit{Démonstration #1.\,---\!--} #2 $\blacksquare$}

\newcommand{\solution}[1]{\noindent  \textit{Solution.\,---\!--} #1 $\blacksquare$}

%%%%%%%%%    Fonctions continues   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Petit o   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\petito}[1]{ o\left ( #1\right)}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Topologie   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\bouleO}[2]{\mathring{B}\left ( #1, #2\right )}
\newcommand{\bouleF}[2]{\overline{B}\left ( #1, #2\right )}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Récurrence   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\Heredite{$\text{HR}_n \impl \text{HR}_{n+1}$}
\def\HerediteForte{$(\text{HR}_k)_{k\leq n} \impl \text{HR}_{n+1}$}
\newcommand{\HerediteWithArgument}[1]{$\text{HR}_{#1} \impl \text{HR}_{#1+1}$}
\newcommand{\HerediteForteWithArgument}[1]{$(\text{HR}_\ell)_{\ell\leq #1} \impl \text{HR}_{#1+1}$}

%%%%%%    Partie réelle et imaginaire   %%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Cardinal   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Groupes   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    pgcd et ppcm   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%    Better underbraces for matrices   %%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Equivalence   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Signe   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%    Vertical symbols   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%    Better inf, max and min   %%%%%%%%%%%
\let\inf\relax \DeclareMathOperator*\inf{\vphantom{p}inf}
\let\max\relax \DeclareMathOperator*\max{\vphantom{p}max}
\let\min\relax \DeclareMathOperator*\min{\vphantom{p}min}

%%%%%%%    Nice symbol for \leq and \geq   %%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%    Extra thin space   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% cf.

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alehed commented Dec 27, 2016

SyntaxKit is quite slow due to the way textmate grammars are specified (regexes, nondeterministic, infinite lookahead etc.). Personally I would only use asynchronous incremental parsing for interactive highlighting (see AttributedParsingOperation). But this takes some manual synchronization management, plus I don't know if you are familiar with NSOperation. Also the first time highlighting will always take long.

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colasbd commented Dec 27, 2016

Yes I'm familiar with NSOperation.
But if the first time takes too long, it's problematic, unless I can make it asynchronous.
Will think of it but if you have any idea to share.

What do you think if I create a repo with an NSTextStorage that manage this issues?

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colasbd commented Dec 27, 2016

Do you have any example for AttributedParsingOperation?

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alehed commented Dec 27, 2016

You can, but I doubt that the implementation will become a lot faster. There is a little code snippet without synchroniztion in #18.

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colasbd commented Dec 27, 2016

At least it will not block the interface.
Does SyntaxKit implements a kinda cache?

Other question: in

let secondOperation = AttributedParsingOperation(string: newInput,
                                      previousOperation: firstOperation,
                                      changeIsInsertion: true,
                                           changedRange: NSRange(location: 0, length: 13))

to what corresponds the changeIsInsertion parameter?

Do you mean if the text has been added at the end of the previous string or not?

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alehed commented Dec 27, 2016

SyntaxKit does not cache regular expression matches if that is what you mean.
It is specifically designed to be placed in a textDidChange notification or in the delegate. ChangeIsInsertion is true if the string is longer than before otherwise false.

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colasbd commented Dec 27, 2016

Since I call SyntaxKit from NSTextStorage, the parser is called multiple times with the same string at init.

What do you think of adding a cache so that in this case it would be faster?
Anyway, I can also test against this specific case (multiple parsing with the same string) in my NSTextStorage subclass.

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alehed commented Dec 27, 2016

You are free to do that. Just add a performance test case to see if it is really faster.

@colasbd colasbd closed this as completed Jan 3, 2017
@colasbd colasbd reopened this Jan 3, 2017
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colasbd commented Jan 4, 2017

I would say the problem is an algorithmic/complexity one. It is very slow.

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alehed commented Jan 4, 2017

I'll add the file as a performance test case. I tried some caching but the current performance test cases only run ~ 10% faster.

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colasbd commented Jan 4, 2017

Better than nothing!

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alehed commented Jan 5, 2017

I added it as a test and on my machine it takes about 1.12 seconds on master and 1.27 seconds on the caching branch (no big optimizations yet) to parse the file above.

The problem is pretty simple: Regex-based grammars are the wrong way to do syntax highlighting.

Take a medium complexity tmLanguage file like Swift or LaTeX that has ~50 top-level rules. Then take a medium sized file with ~500 lines of code. Because of begin-end constructions the amount of lines that have to be matched are somewhere between 1.25x and 2x the actual lines of the file.

Every rule needs to be matched on every line so we get 50000 regex matches per file and that takes time.

You can do some optimizations like skipping some rules if you found a really good match but the gains are not fundamental.

alehed added a commit to alehed/SyntaxKit that referenced this issue Jan 5, 2017
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