This is a solution to the News homepage challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
This was a quite simple and basic design. Decided to try some new things out though, like implementing local fonts instead of using Google Fonts (which I've used for almost all interfaces I built.)
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
As usual, almost same workflow with slight differentiations:
- Sketched out the HTML structure & a rough overview of the site on paper.
- Wrote the HTML code following the rough sketch (had to make some slight changes with the semantics later on sha).
- Started styling for mobile/small screen devices.
- Worked on the mobile navigation panel, that was the only part of the site that needed some functionality actually.
- Made the site responsive for large screen devices.
- Used Lighthouse tool to check for possible improvements, then tweaked things using the gotten feedback.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first workflow
Might have said it earlier, but this was the first time I used self-hosted fonts on a project. It was surprisingly not difficult, will put up the links that particularly helped me in getting this to work below.
- Getting more complex, and difficult designs to replicate.
- Building or being part of a team creating a live product.
- Will try reaching out to some companies for an internship, not just sure if they'll want to take a chance with a freshman undergrad, understandable if they don't actually.
- The Easy Way to Add Fonts to Your Website (Including Custom Fonts) - Pagecloud - This was very helpful, especially the "Webfont Generator" tool they shared in the article. Solid resource to use if you're new to using custom fonts and all.
- Reduce web font size - - First problem was implementing it, another was optimizing the usage of the custom fonts. Google Fonts CDNs take a lot of heavy lifting honestly, this was a quick and easily understandable read anyways, so all's good.
- Frontend Mentor - @sodiqsanusi
- Twitter - @sodiqsanusi_
For calling you at odd hours, ranting about how I feel stunted in my development journey, 🤍.