Use this sample PHP code to place a Magento 2 order using the Stripe payment method via REST API as a guest customer.
Forked from, modified to work with the Stripe payment method when the Stripe module at is installed on a Magento 2 website.
Step 1: Create an API key in Magento:
- Go to: System -> Integrations -> "Add new integration"
- Create a new Integration with sufficient permissions (e.g. set Ressource Access to "All" if you are just playing around)
- Note down the created Access Token for usage in place-order.php
Step 2: Configure place-order.php
- Set valid values for
Step 3: Place the order
Via the CLI
php place-order.php
Using a 3D Secure Card
Edit 3d_secure.html and set your Publishable Key.
Visit and click the place order button.