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##Introduction Datatables is hands down the best jQuery table plugin. I have enjoyed using it over the years and highly recommend it to all. Recently, I have tried to use Datatables in an responsive web project. Datatables did everything brilliantly but was not responsive. After some research, I found FooTable which handle the responsive behavior perfectly. After tinkering around, I've come up with something that helps make Datatables respond like FooTable.

Below are the instructions to use the helper.

The helper script I have written makes use of the wonderful underscore.js replacement Lo-Dash.

There are two complete working examples using Bootstrap CSS provided. One uses the DOM and the other uses AJAX.

##Add Viewport Meta Tag For Mobile Support

Add the following viewport meta tag to your HTML's head section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

##Include CSS files

These instructions are done using Datatables and Bootstrap. You may use whatever you choose.

For more information on Datatables and Bootstrap, see and

Add Bootstrap, Datatables-Bootstrap and responsive Datatables helper CSS files.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-responsive.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="DT_bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="datatables.responsive.css"/>

##Include JS files

Add Lo-Dash, jQuery, Datatables, Datables-Bootstrap and the responsive Datatables helper scripts.

<script type="text/javascript" src="lodash.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="query.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/DT_bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="datatables.responsive.js"></script>

##Create variables and break point definitions.

var responsiveHelper;
var breakpointDefinition = {
    tablet: 1024,
    phone : 480
var tableContainer = $('#example');

##Create Datatables Instance Create the datatables instance with the following

  • Set bAutoWidth to false.
  • Set fnPreDrawCallback to only initialize the responsive datatables helper once
  • Set fnRowCallback to create expand icon.
  • Set fnDrawCallback to respond to window resize events.

    // Setup for Bootstrap support.
    sDom           : '<"row"<"span6"l><"span6"f>r>t<"row"<"span6"i><"span6"p>>',
    sPaginationType: 'bootstrap',
    oLanguage      : {
        sLengthMenu: '_MENU_ records per page'

    // Setup for responsive datatables helper.
    bAutoWidth     : false,
    fnPreDrawCallback: function () {
        // Initialize the responsive datatables helper once.
        if (!responsiveHelper) {
            responsiveHelper = new responsiveDatatablesHelper(tableContainer, breakpointDefinition);
    fnRowCallback  : function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
    fnDrawCallback : function (oSettings) {


Add Data Attributes to the Table Elements

  1. Add the data-class="expand" attribute to the th element for the respective column that will you want to display the expand icon in. This th elment cannot be a column that will be hidden.

  2. Add data-hide="phone,tablet" to the th element for the respective column that will you want to hide when the window is resized.

<div class="span12">
    <table id="example" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <!--thead section is required-->
            <th class="centered-cell"><input type="checkbox" id="masterCheck" class="checkbox"/></th>
            <th data-class="expand">Rendering engine</th>
            <th data-hide="phone">Platform(s)</th>
            <th data-hide="phone,tablet">Engine version</th>
            <th data-hide="phone,tablet">CSS grade</th>
        <!--tbody section is required-->
        <!--tfoot section is optional-->
            <th>Engine version</th>
            <th>CSS grade</th>


That's it!

If you need to destroy and recreate a data table on the same table element, see the ajax-bootstrap-recreate-table.html example.

##Thanks Thanks to Allan Jardine for making the best data table plugin for jQuery. Nothing out there comes close.

Thanks Brad Vincent and his friend Steve for making the awesome responsive FooTable ( In my opinion, their implementation for a responsive table is the best to date. Much of what I have done here is borrowed from FooTable. Thanks again!


Responsive Datatables Helper



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  • JavaScript 75.5%
  • CSS 24.5%