This project is just a sandbox to play around in and work out how to implement various features of foundation 6.4, how to integrate some javascript libraries and structure layouts, etc...
Click through the demo site to see something interesting.
The markup for each page should be displayed on each page at the bottom so can see how the page is composed.
[This is the official ZURB Template for use with Foundation for Sites. We use this template at ZURB to deliver static code to our clients. It has a Gulp-powered build system with these features:
- Handlebars HTML templates with Panini
- Sass compilation and prefixing
- JavaScript module bundling with webpack
- Built-in BrowserSync server
- For production builds:
- CSS compression
- JavaScript compression
- Image compression
To use this template, your computer needs:
This template can be installed with the Foundation CLI, or downloaded and set up manually.
Install the Foundation CLI with this command:
npm install foundation-cli --global
Use this command to set up a blank Foundation for Sites project with this template:
foundation new --framework sites --template zurb
The CLI will prompt you to give your project a name. The template will be downloaded into a folder with this name.
Now cd
to your project name and to start your project run
foundation watch
To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:
git clone projectname
Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:
cd projectname
npm install
Finally, run npm start
to run Gulp. Your finished site will be created in a folder called dist
, viewable at this URL:
To create compressed, production-ready assets, run npm run build