This repository provides a docker compose file to bootstrap the process of spinning up working OpCon environments.
To access the full OpCon docker image documentation (Arguments, Environment Variables...):
No Support and No Warranty are provided by SMA Technologies for this project and related material. The use of this project's files is on your own risk.
SMA Technologies assumes no liability for damage caused by the usage of any of the files offered here via this Github repository.
- Docker Engine 18.06.0+
- Docker Compose 1.22+ (Compose File Format 3.7)
Docker-Compose Version | OpCon Version |
>=1.0.0 | 19.1.1+ |
>=1.0.5 | 20.0.0+ |
Grab the docker-compose.yml file, define your environment variables via the .env file and then run the following command to start MS SQL and OpCon Server containers.
docker-compose up
Note: You must be on the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file
Single Line Command Execution
Please replace <TAG_VERSION> with the correct one (
Linux / macOS:
curl -L<TAG_VERSION>/docker-compose.yml --output docker-compose.yml && SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=MssqlP@ssWord42 DB_PASSWORD=OpconP@ssWord42 VOLUME_PATH=/tmp/opcon docker-compose up
curl -L<TAG_VERSION>/docker-compose.yml --output docker-compose.yml; $env:SQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD="MssqlP@ssWord42"; $env:DB_PASSWORD="OpconP@ssWord42"; $env:VOLUME_PATH="C:\OpCon\"; docker-compose up
VOLUME_PATH=c:/opcon-docker //Location of all the container data
DB_PASSWORD= //Opcon DataBase Password
LICENSE= //The Opcon Key License. Necessary to apply the license (See instructions below - Conversions/OpCon License Key String)
TZ=UTC //The Timezone
OPCON_REPOSITORY=smatechnologies/opcon-server ( for Development)
WEB_PORT=443 (<1.0.6: API_PORT=9010)
Please see the full Docker Image Documentation about environment variables of Opcon Image:
How to generate key from file:
- Linux:
cat <LIC_FILE> | hexdump -ve '16/1 "%02x"' | sed 's/.*/<LIC_FILE_WITHOUT_LIC_EXT>:\0/'
- Windows
certutil -encodehex <LIC_FILE> key.tmp 12 >NUL && echo|set /p="<LIC_FILE_WITHOUT_LIC_EXT>:" || type key.tmp && del key.tmp
Copyright 2019 SMA Technologies
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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