Weather App
Overview This Weather App allows users to search for the current weather, forecast data, and additional weather-related information for cities around the world. The app integrates with the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch real-time weather data and displays it in a user-friendly interface.
Features Current Weather: Displays the current weather, temperature, and weather conditions for a selected city.
Weather Forecast: Provides a daily weather forecast for the upcoming week.
City Search: Search functionality to find weather details for different cities worldwide.
Local & GMT Time: Displays both the local time of the selected city and the GMT time.
Technologies Used
HTML5: The structure of the app.
CSS3: Custom styles for the app interface, including responsive design.
JavaScript: Core functionality, including API integration and dynamic content updates.
OpenWeatherMap API: Fetches real-time weather data.
RapidAPI : To fetch the city names and autocomplete
Usage Search for a City: Enter the name of a city in the search bar. Select the correct city from the dropdown list. View Weather Information: The app will display the current weather, temperature, weather description, and an icon representing the current weather condition. The app will also display the local time for the city and GMT time. View Weather Forecast: Scroll down to see the weather forecast for the next 7 days.