Zodiac Chat is an online chat room that allows users to chat with people of different zodiac signs.
- served using nyu courant server
- site url: http://linserv1.cims.nyu.edu:23204
cd backend
npm install
npm start
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
The application will store Users and Zodiac Signs.
An Example User:
username: "sijia",
dob: // a Date object for date of birth,
hash: // a password hash,
sign: 'Leo',
createdAt: // timestamp
An Example Sign:
name: 'Leo',
img: // image url for this specific sign,
- as non-registered user, I can register a new account with the site
- as a user, I can log in to the site
- as a user, I can send messages to other users
- as a user, I can view the chat from other users
- as a user, I can respond to the messages I receive
- as a user, I can send gifs and stickers during chat
- (5 points) Socket-io
- I'm going use socket-io for building this real time chat app
- (3 points) Redux
- I'm going to use Redux and learn how it works with React.js
- (5 points) React.js
- I'm going to use React.js as the frontend framework; it's a challenging library to learn, so I've assigned it 5 points
- add user profile function
- save chat history to database
- users can add other as friends