Task allocation:
Feature 1 - Wong Xin Xian
- Implemented Spring Boot REST service that provides CRUD support for managing users- UserRestController.java
- User info includes: username, password, fullname - User.java
- Communicate with the MongoDB database to perform CRUD actions
- Included testing of UserRestController using TestRestTemplate - UserRestControllerTests.java
Feature 2 - Sim Li Jin (Hal)
- Implemented data-access code to query, insert, update, delete user info to a local MongoDB database (localhost:27017/test)
- Added data at the start of the application to populate the database
- List of methods that were implemented:
- Create New User
- Get All Users
- Get User by Username
- Get User by Full Name
- Update User's info
- Delete User
Feature 3 - Goh Chong Rui
- Implemented Spring Boot REST service that calls into back-end stock market API using RestTemplate
- Only registered users are allowed to use this service
- Rest controller file - FinancialRestController.java
- Base Url- Yahoo Finance, https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/yahoo-finance1
- Endpoints - /market/get-earnings,/market/get-popular-watchlist,/stock/v2/get-historicaldata,/stock/get-news,/news