The i18n library is designed to replace the use of .NET resources in favor of an easier, globally recognized standard for localizing ASP.NET-based web applications.
i18n itself targets .NET Framework 4, and works with websites and web applications based on ASP.NET v4 and above, including:
- ASP.NET WebMatrix / Web Pages
- ASP.NET Web Forms
- Leverages the GetText / PO ecosystem: localize like the big kids
- Localize everything: HTML, Razor, C#, VB, JavaScript, .NET attributes and data annotations, ...
- SEO-friendly: language selection varies the URL, and
is set appropriately - Automatic: no URL/routing changes required in the app
- High performance, minimal overhead and minimal heap allocations
- Unit testing support
- Smart: knows when to hold them, fold them, walk away, or run, based on i18n best practices
The i18n library works by modifying your HTTP traffic to perform string replacement and patching of URLs with language tags (URL Localization). The work is done by an HttpModule called i18n.LocalizingModule which should be enabled in your web.config file as follows:
<add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" />
<system.webServer> <!-- IIS7 'Integrated Mode'-specific config -->
<add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" />
Note: The <system.web>
element is added for completeness and may not be required.
Note: i18n requires static compression to be disabled for localized content. Refer to Issue #163 for more on IIS compression settings.
The following <appSettings>
are then required to specify the type and location
of your application's source files:
<add key="i18n.DirectoriesToScan" value=".." /> <!-- Rel to web.config file -->
<add key="i18n.WhiteList" value="*.cs;*.cshtml;*.sitemap" />
Certain behaviours of i18n may be altered at runtime on application startup. The following code shows the most common options:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// Change from the default of 'en'.
i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.DefaultLanguage = "fr";
// Change from the of temporary redirects during URL localization
i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.PermanentRedirects = true;
// This line can be used to disable URL Localization.
//i18n.UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme = i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Void;
// Change the URL localization scheme from Scheme1.
i18n.UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme = i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Scheme2;
// Blacklist certain URLs from being 'localized' via a callback.
i18n.UrlLocalizer.IncomingUrlFilters += delegate(Uri url) {
if (url.LocalPath.EndsWith("sitemap.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return false; }
return true;
// Blacklist certain URLs from being translated using a regex pattern. The default setting is:
//i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.UrlsToExcludeFromProcessing = new Regex(@"(?:\.(?:less|css)(?:\?|$))|(?i:i18nSkip|glimpse|trace|elmah)");
// Whitelist content types to translate. The default setting is:
//i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.ContentTypesToLocalize = new Regex(@"^(?:(?:(?:text|application)/(?:plain|html|xml|javascript|x-javascript|json|x-json))(?:\s*;.*)?)$");
To localize text in your application, surround your strings with [[[ and ]]] markup characters to mark them as translatable. That's it. Here's an example of localizing text in a Razor view:
<div id="content">
<h2>[[[Welcome to my web app!]]]</h2>
<h3><span>[[[Amazing slogan here]]]</span></h3>
<p>[[[Ad copy that would make Hiten Shah fall off his chair!]]]</p>
<span class="button" title="[[[Click to see plans and pricing]]]">
<a href="@Url.Action("Plans", "Home", new { area = "" })">
<strong>[[[SEE PLANS & PRICING]]]</strong>
<span>[[[Free unicorn with all plans!]]]</span>
And here's an example in an MVC controller:
using i18n;
namespace MyApplication
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "[[[Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!]]]";
return View();
At last, you can localize your data annotations as easy as this:
public class PasswordResetViewModel
[Required(ErrorMessage="[[[Please fill in this field]]]")]
[Email(ErrorMessage = "[[[Email not yet correct]]]")]
[Display(Name = "[[[Email Address]]]")]
public string Email
And localize arguments passed to MVC URL-Helpers or other functions that require a plain string:
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name, "[[[First Name]]]")
And for Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
alert("[[[Hello world!]]]");
In PO terminology, strings you want to be translatable are known as messages. In i18n, messages are 'marked-up' in your source code as 'Nuggets'. The nugget markup allows i18n to filter the HTTP response looking for the message strings which are replaced with translated strings, where available. They also allow message strings to be located by the PostBuild PO file generator.
A simple nugget looks like this:
[[[translate me]]]
This defines a message with the key (aka msgid) of "translate me".
Nugget markup supports formated messages as follows:
string.Format("[[[welcome %1, today is %0|||{0}|||{1}]]]", day, name)
where the %0 and %1 tokens are replaced by the strings that replace the {0} and {1} items, respectively. (The reason for the extra level of redirection here is to facilitate the translator rearranging the order of the tokens for different languages.)
Nugget transformation also support translation of parameters like
[MaxLength(20, ErrorMessage="[[[%0 must be %1 characters or less|||(((CountryCode)))|||20]]]")]
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
Where the Nugget markup will first replace (((CountryCode)) with the translated text and then merge the translated value into the main message.
Nugget markup also supports comments (extracted comments in PO parlance) to be passed to the translator like so:
[[[translate me///this is an extracted comment]]]
And if you need to include the markup characters themselves within a message, you can HTML-escape them, for example:
[[[Please don't forget to add GoogleAd tags: [googleadsmall]]]]
where ] is the HTML escape sequence for ]. The relevant escape sequences are:
- / = /
- [ = [
- ] = ]
- | = |
See Issue #50 for more on Nuggets and why we have chosen to replace the GetText / _() style of marking-up messages.
The character sequences for marking-up nuggets ([[[, ]]], |||, (((, ))) and ///) were chosen on the basis that they were unlikely to clash with common character sequences in HTML markup while at the same time being convenient for the programmer to enter (on most keyboards).
However, recognizing that a clash remains possible and nuggets thereby being falsely detected in source code or the HTML response, i18n allows you to define your own sequences for the markup which you know are not going to clash. You can configure these in web.config as follows:
<add key="i18n.NuggetBeginToken" value="[&[" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetEndToken" value="]&]" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetDelimiterToken" value="||||" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetCommentToken" value="////" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetParameterBeginToken" value="(((" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetParameterEndToken" value=")))" />
i18n can be configured to visualize all processed messages. This is useful when testing your app to verify that all messages are tagged correctly. To enable this feature:
<add key="i18n.VisualizeMessages" value="true" />
<add key="i18n.NuggetVisualizeToken" value="!" />
When VisualizeMessages is active the NuggetVisualizeToken will be inserted at start and end of each translated message.
i18n allows you to assign a msgctxt
value to each message. The value of the msgctxt is
taken from any comment you have defined in the nugget. This feature is optional and disabled
by default. To enable this feature:
<add key="i18n.MessageContextEnabledFromComment" value="true" />
Note that note all PO editors support msgctxt and indeed may be thrown by the value when present in .PO files. See Issue #90 for more details.
The PO spec supports messages that span multiple lines. i18n provides full support for these, simply by spreading the nugget over several lines.
For example, the following nugget is perfectly legal and should appear in your PO editor as a multi-line message:
[[[This is a
message spread over
three lines]]]
To set up automatic PO database building, add the following post-build task to your project, after
adding i18n.PostBuild.exe
as a project reference:
"$(TargetDir)i18n.PostBuild.exe" "$(ProjectDir)\web.config"
Alternatively, you may choose to install the i18n.POTGenerator.vsix
Visual Studio 2012 extension.
This installs an i18n
button in the Solution Window for manual triggering of PO generation. Note that
it is necessary to highlight the project in question within the Solution Window before pressing the button.
The PO generator will rip through your source code (as defined by the
i18n.DirectoriesToScan and i18n.WhiteList settings in web.config), finding every nugget,
and uses this to build a master .POT template file located at locale/messages.pot
relative to your web application folder. After the new template is constructed, any locales that exist
inside the locale
folder (or as defined by the i18n.AvailableLanguages semi-colon-delimited web.config setting)
are automatically merged with the template, so that new strings can be flagged for further translation.
From here, you can use any of the widely available PO editing tools (like POEdit)
to provide locale-specific text and place them in your locale
folder relative to the provided language, e.g. locale/fr
If you change a PO file on the fly, i18n will update accordingly; you do not need to restart your application.
In keeping with emerging standards for internationalized web applications, i18n provides support for
localized URLs. For example,
Out of the box, i18n will attempt to ensure the current language for any request is shown correctly in the address box of the user's browser, redirecting from any non-localized URL if necessary to a localized one. This is known as Early URL Localization. See also Principal Application Language.
While URLs from the user-agent perspective are localized, from the app's perspective they are nonlocalized. Thus you can write your app without worrying about the language tag in the URL.
The default URL Localization scheme (Scheme1) will show the language tag in the URL always; an alternative scheme, Scheme2, will show the language tag only if it is not the default.
URL localization can be disabled by setting the scheme to i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Void
in Application_Start
protected void Application_Start()
// Disable URL Localization.
i18n.UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme = i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Void;
URLs to non-internationalized resources need not be localized. Typically, there is no harm in them being localized as i18n will route the request approriately either way. However, where the Principal Application Language for a request is not required, such as for when reading a CSS file or font file, it can save a redirection round trip by instructing i18n NOT to localize the URL.
There are two ways to instruct i18n NOT to localize a URL:
Firstly, you can set a RegEx pattern to match against the localpath part of the URLs to be excluded. For instance:
protected void Application_Start()
// Blacklist certain URLs from being 'localized'.
i18n.UrlLocalizer.QuickUrlExclusionFilter = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"(?:sitemap\.xml|\.css|\.jpg|\.png|\.svg|\.woff|\.eot)$");
Indeed, the default value for the QuickUrlExclusionFilter settings is as shown above however feel free to override or set to null to disable.
For finer control, the second method is to define filter delegates that are passed the URL and return true if the URL is to be localized, otherwise false. For example:
protected void Application_Start()
// Blacklist certain URLs from being 'localized'.
i18n.UrlLocalizer.IncomingUrlFilters += delegate(Uri url) {
if (url.LocalPath.EndsWith("sitemap.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return false; }
return true;
i18n.UrlLocalizer.OutgoingUrlFilters += delegate(string url, Uri currentRequestUrl) {
Uri uri;
if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)
|| Uri.TryCreate(currentRequestUrl, url, out uri)) {
if (uri.LocalPath.EndsWith("sitemap.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return false; }
return true;
During startup of your ASP.NET application, i18n determines the set of application languages for which one or more translated messages exist.
Then, on each request, one of these languages is selected as the Principal Application Language (PAL) for the request.
The PAL for the request is determined by the first of the following conditions that is met:
For i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Scheme1:
The path component of the URL is prefixed with a language tag that matches exactly one of the application languages. E.g. "".
The path component of the URL is prefixed with a language tag that matches loosely one of the application languages (see below).
The request contains a cookie called "i18n.langtag" with a language tag that matches (exactly or loosely) one of the application languages.
The request contains an Accept-Language header with a language that matches (exactly or loosely) one of the application languages.
The default application language is selected (see also Per-Request Default Language Determination).
For i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Scheme2:
The path component of the URL is prefixed with a language tag that matches exactly one of the application languages. E.g. "".
The path component of the URL is prefixed with a language tag that matches loosely one of the application languages (see below).
The default application language is selected (see also Per-Request Default Language Determination).
Where a loose match is made above, the URL is updated with the matched application language tag
and a redirect is issued. E.g. "" -> "".
By default this is a temporary 302 redirect, but you can choose for it to be a permanent 301 one
by setting i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.PermanentRedirects = true
in Application_Start.
The GetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequest
extension method to HttpContext can be called to access the
PAL of the current request. For example, it may be called in a Razor view as follows to display
the current langue to the user:
@using i18n
<p id="lang_cur" title="@Context.GetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequest()">
Similarly, the HTML lang
attribute can be set as follows:
@using i18n
<html lang="@Context.GetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequest()">
When the PAL algorithm falls back on the default language for the application, i18n supports a simple delegate-based hook for providing the default language based on the current request, typically based on the URL.
For example, suppose you wish the default language to vary as follows:
- -> 'en'
- -> 'fr'
This can be achieved as follows:
protected void Application_Start()
i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.DefaultLanguage = "en";
i18n.UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme = i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme.Scheme2;
i18n.UrlLocalizer.DetermineDefaultLanguageFromRequest = delegate(HttpContextBase context)
if (context != null && context.Request.Url.Host.EndsWith(".fr", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return i18n.LanguageTag.GetCachedInstance("fr"); }
return i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.DefaultLanguageTag;
Notice how the URL localization scheme has been switched to Scheme2 which allows the URL to be without any language tag. The default scheme (Scheme1) would enforce a redirection so that the URL always contains the current language tag.
You can provide a language selection feature in your application using i18n.
There are two parts to implementing this feature which revolve around
the setting of a cookie called i18n.langtag
Firstly, provide HTML that displays the current language and allows the user to explicitly select a language (from those application languages available).
An example of how to do that in ASP.NET MVC and Razor follows:
@using i18n
<div id="language">
<p id="lang_cur" title="@Context.GetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequest()">@Context.GetPrincipalAppLanguageForRequest().GetNativeNameTitleCase()</p>
<div id="lang_menu" style="display: none;">
<table class="table_grid">
int i;
int maxcols = 3;
KeyValuePair<string, i18n.LanguageTag>[] langs = LanguageHelpers.GetAppLanguages().OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToArray();
int cellcnt = langs.Length +1;
for (i = 0; i < cellcnt;) {
bool lastRow = i + maxcols >= cellcnt;
<tr class="@(Html.Raw((i % 2) == 0 ? "even":"odd")) @(Html.Raw(lastRow ? "last":""))">
@for (int j = 0; j < maxcols && i < cellcnt; ++i, ++j) {
string langtag;
string title;
string nativelangname;
if (i == 0) {
langtag = "";
title = "[[[Browser default language setting]]]";
nativelangname = "[[[Auto]]]";
else {
i18n.LanguageTag lt = langs[i -1].Value;
title = langtag = lt.ToString();
nativelangname = lt.NativeNameTitleCase;
linkText: nativelangname,
actionName: "SetLanguage",
controllerName: "Account",
routeValues: new { langtag = langtag, returnUrl = Request.Url },
htmlAttributes: new { title = title } )
@* Fill last row with empty cells if ness, so that borders are added and balanced out. *@
@if (lastRow) {
for (; i % maxcols != 0; ++i) {
On selection of a language in the above code, the AccountController.SetLanguage method is called. For example:
using i18n;
// GET: /Account/SetLanguage
public ActionResult SetLanguage(string langtag, string returnUrl)
// If valid 'langtag' passed.
i18n.LanguageTag lt = i18n.LanguageTag.GetCachedInstance(langtag);
if (lt.IsValid()) {
// Set persistent cookie in the client to remember the language choice.
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("i18n.langtag")
Value = lt.ToString(),
HttpOnly = true,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1)
// Owise...delete any 'language' cookie in the client.
else {
var cookie = Response.Cookies["i18n.langtag"];
if (cookie != null) {
cookie.Value = null;
cookie.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-1);
// Update PAL setting so that new language is reflected in any URL patched in the
// response (Late URL Localization).
// Patch in the new langtag into any return URL.
if (returnUrl.IsSet()) {
returnUrl = LocalizedApplication.Current.UrlLocalizerForApp.SetLangTagInUrlPath(HttpContext, returnUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, lt == null ? null : lt.ToString()).ToString(); }
// Redirect user agent as approp.
return this.Redirect(returnUrl);
With i18n you can access the translation for a given nugget msgid from any code that is handling an ASP.NET request.
There is a GetText
extension method to HttpContextBase provided for this.
For example, you can do the following from within an MVC controller action:
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using i18n;
namespace MyWebSite.Controllers
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult Welcome()
string welcomeMessage = HttpContext.GetText("Welcome to the my website.", "");
// Do something with the string...
return View();
Essentially, anywhere you have access to an HttpContextBase or HttpContext instance, you can get a correct translation for a given nugget msgid / msgcomment combo.
The msgcomment is relevant only when i18n.Domain.Concrete.i18nSettings.MessageContextEnabledFromComment is set to true; by default it is false and so msgcomment argument should be passed as null or empty.
Furthermore, you can access the translation of a complete body of text containing zero or more nuggets
that require parsing using the ParseAndTranslate
extension method to HttpContextBase, as follows:
string entity = HttpContext.ParseAndTranslate("Hi - [[[Sign in]]]");
Language matching is performed when a list of one or more user-preferred languages is matched against a list of one or more application languages, the goal being to choose the application languages which the user is most likely to understand. The algorithm for this is multi-facted and multi-pass and takes the Language, Script and Region subtags into account.
Matching is performed once per-request to determine the Principal Application Language for the request, and also once per message to be translated (aka GetText call). The multi-pass approach ensures a thorough attempt is made at matching a user's list of preferred languages (from their Accept-Language HTTP header). E.g. in the context of the following request:
User Languages: fr-CH, fr-CA
Application Languages: fr-CA, fr, en
fr-CA will be matched first, and if no resource exists for that language, fr is tried, and failing that, the default language en is fallen back on.
In recognition of the potential bottleneck of the GetText call (which typically is called many times per-request), the matching algorithm is efficient for managed code (lock-free and essentially heap-allocation free).
Note that the following Chinese languages tags are normalized: zh-CN to zh-Hans, and zh-TW to zh-Hant. It is still safe to use zh-CN and zh-TW, but internally they will be treated as equivalent to their new forms.
The w3c language tag spec includes a provision for an additional subtag for private use. This is now supported and can be used to provide a different translation for specific scenarios, such as a tenant on a multi-tenant application.
The format is: en-GB-x-Tenant123
, en-x-Tenant99
Note the -x-
, after which you can add four or more alphanumeric characters to specify your custom translation.
There must be an exact match for all subtags for this translation to be returned. If the module can't find a
translation for the tenant, it will match the remaining subtags according to the algorithm described above.
The latest refinement to the language matching algoritm:
// Principle Application Language (PAL) Prioritization:
// User has selected an explicit language in the webapp e.g. fr-CH (i.e. PAL is set to fr-CH).
// Their browser is set to languages en-US, zh-Hans.
// Therefore, UserLanguages[] equals fr-CH, en-US, zh-Hans.
// We don't have a particular message in fr-CH, but have it in fr and fr-CA.
// We also have message in en-US and zh-Hans.
// We presume the message from fr or fr-CA is better match than en-US or zh-Hans.
// However, without PAL prioritization, en-US is returned and failing that, zh-Hans.
// Therefore, for the 1st entry in UserLanguages (i.e. explicit user selection in app)
// we try all match grades first. Only if there is no match whatsoever for the PAL
// do we move no to the other (browser) languages, where return to prioritizing match grade
// i.e. loop through all the languages first at the strictest match grade before loosening
// to the next match grade, and so on.
// Refinement to PAL Prioritization:
// UserLanguages (UL) = de-ch,de-at (PAL = de-ch)
// AppLanguages (AL) = de,de-at,en
// There is no exact match for PAL in AppLanguages.
// However:
// 1. the second UL (de-at) has an exact match with an AL
// 2. the parent of the PAL (de) has an exact match with an AL.
// Normally, PAL Prioritization means that 2. takes preference.
// However, that means choosing de over de-at, when the user
// has said they understand de-at (it being preferable to be
// more specific, esp. in the case of different scripts under
// the same language).
// Therefore, as a refinement to PAL Prioritization, before selecting
// 'de' we run the full algorithm again (without PAL Prioritization)
// but only considering langtags related to the PAL.
Your locale
folder is exposed to HTTP requests as-is, just like a typical log directory, so remember to block all requests
to this folder by adding a Web.config
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add path="*" verb="*" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler"/>
<remove name="BlockViewHandler"/>
<add name="BlockViewHandler" path="*" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler"/>
i18n provides the i18n.ITranslateSvc
interface that abstracts the basic operation of parsing
and translating a string entity that may contain one or more nuggets:
public interface ITranslateSvc
string ParseAndTranslate(string entity);
The following stock implementations of i18n.ITranslateSvc
are provided by the library:
- TranslateSvc_Invariant - ITranslateSvc implementation that simply passes through the entity (useful for testing).
- TranslateSvc_HttpContextBase - ITranslateSvc implementation based on an given HttpContextBase instance.
- TranslateSvc_HttpContext - ITranslateSvc implementation based on an given HttpContext instance.
- TranslateSvc_HttpContextCurrent - ITranslateSvc implementation based on the static HttpContext.Current instance (obtained at the time of calling the interface).
The i18n project at present targets Visual Studio 2012 / .NET Framework 4 and requires the Visual Studio 2012 SDK libraries installed to build.
To build the project in Visual Studio 2013 / .NET Framework 4.5:
- Install the Visual Studio 2013 SDK if not already installed.
- Upgrade the i18n project to 2013.
- Remove the reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11 and replace it with a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.12.
See Issue #117 for more information on building with VS 2013.
There's lot of room for further enhancements and features to this library, and you are encouraged to fork it and contribute back anything new. Specifically, these would be great places to add more functionality:
- Input and ideas on a safe universal nugget syntax (see issue #69).
- Plurals support.
- Help me fix the bugs! Chances are I don't ship in your language. Fix what hurts. Please?
The i18n project has adopted the GitHub recommendation with regard to standardized line endings in text files. Specifically, text files are stored in the Git index with line endings respresented by the single LF character (not CR/LF).
That means that, for Windows clients, you will probably want Git to convert line endings
to CR/LF when checking text files out of the index, and converting them back to LF line endings when committing in.
This behaviour is controlled via Git's core.autocrlf
setting, which in this case would be set to true
See Dealing with line endings for more information.
Among the many contributors to the i18n library, a special acknowledgement is due to Daniel Crenna who originated this project.