This library allows you to interact with Zuora billing platform directly using familiar ActiveModel based objects.
All additional requirements for development should be referenced in the provided zuora.gemspec and Gemfile.
git clone
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec irb -rzuora
Zuora.configure(:username => 'USER', :password => 'PASS')
account = Zuora::Objects::Account.create(:account_number => '12345')
# => <Zuora::Objects::Account :account_number => 12345, :id => 'abc123'>
# => <Zuora::Objects::Account :account_number => 12345, :id => 'abc123'>
# => true
# Use find by to query with specific column
Zuora::Objects::Account.find_by(:account_number => '12345')
# => <Zuora::Objects::Account :account_number => 12345, :id => 'abc123'>
# Only query a column, eg. "account_number"
Zuora::Objects::Account.where(:account_number => '12345', "account_number")
# => [<Zuora::Objects::Account :account_number => 12345, :id => 'abc123'>]
# Query 2 columns
Zuora::Objects::Account.where(:account_number => '12345', "account_number, name")
# => [<Zuora::Objects::Account :account_number => 12345, :name => "test", :id => 'abc123'>]
- Credit balance adjustment
- Payment
- Invoice payment
- Subscription request => support price change
- Amendment => support cancellation
You can generate up to date documentation with the provided a rake task.
$ rake doc
$ open doc/index.html
Review the generated documentation for usage patterns and examples of using specific zObjects.
This library comes with a full test suite, which can be run using the stanard rake utility.
$ rake spec
There is also a live suite which you can test against your sandbox account. This can by ran by setting up your credentials and running the integration suite.
Do not run this suite using your production credentials. Doing so may destroy data although every precaution has been made to avoid any destructive behavior.
$ ZUORA_USER=login ZUORA_PASS=password rake spec:integrations
This library currently supports Zuora's SOAP API version 38.
- Josh Martin
- Alex Reyes
- Wael Nasreddine
- Wildfire Ineractive for facilitating the development and maintenance of the project.
- Zuora for providing us with the opportunity to share this library with the community.