VMPY is a toolbox for evaluating typical Cycling Performance Metrics from the ride data e.g. power, heart-rate, velocity, gradient, cadence streams.
All functions within the package do follow the convention, where input/output formats are either traditional Python built-in data structures or are the nd-arrays. This design choice favors easy integration into other projects, e.g. velometria.com
To help you getting started VMPY also provides a very thin wrapper around the Strava API.
Official release:
pip install vmpy
The bleeding edge work in progress:
pip install git+git://github.com/sladkovm/vmpy.git@development
The VMPY package provides the following functionality:
: Streams shape preserving calculations e.g. masking, filtering, zone conversions
: Cycling Performance Metrics
: Python wrapper around the Strava API v3 for fetching Athletes, Activities and Stream data
>>> from vmpy import strava
>>> stream = strava.retrieve_streams(activity_id=1282167861, access_token=STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN)
>>> from vmpy import streams
>>> power_zones = streams.compute_zones(stream['watts'], ftp=270)
>>> hr_zones = streams.compute_zones(stream['heartrate'], lthr=160)
>>> watts_3sec = streams.rolling_mean(stream['watts'], window=3, mask=stream['moving'])
>>> gradient_wo_outliers = streams.median_filter(stream['grade_smooth'], window=31, threshold=1)
>>> from vmpy import metrics
>>> normalizes_power = metrics.normalized_power(stream['watts'])
>>> time_in_power_zones = metrics.time_in_zones(stream['watts'], ftp=260)
Register Strava App
In order to be able to use Strava API the user App must be registered at the linkhttp://www.strava.com/developers:
Application Name: ex.: My Awesome App
Website: ex.: myawesomeapp.com (can be anything, even your FB or Strava page will do)
Application Description ex.: Just fooling around with some Strava data
Authorization Callback Domain (unless you are building a serious App)
Access Token
The Access Token will be found at the users profile page It will look like this: 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9
Access Token must be passed explicitly as an argument
to the functions found in strava.py
This project is absolutely open for contributions. No strong guidelines yet, except for:
- Don't push on master branch
- Test
- Write docstrings in NumPy style
- Strava API v3 documentation - https://strava.github.io/api/