(HTML, CSS, JavaScript Fundamentals + Projects)
Goal: Build static web pages with structured content and basic styling.
Daily Lessons & Tasks:
- Lesson 1: HTML Basics
- Tags, elements, attributes, semantic HTML (
). - Task: Create a static "About Me" page with headings, paragraphs, images, and lists.
- Tags, elements, attributes, semantic HTML (
- Lesson 2: CSS Basics
- Selectors, box model, colors, fonts, margins/padding.
- Task: Style the "About Me" page with custom fonts, background colors, and spacing.
- Lesson 3: Layouts with Flexbox
- Flexbox properties (flex-direction, justify-content, align-items).
- Task: Build a responsive navigation bar and a 3-column layout using Flexbox.
- Group Project:
- Task: Landing Page for a Café (2 groups).
- Combine HTML/CSS to create a hero section, menu grid, and contact form.
- Task: Landing Page for a Café (2 groups).
Goal: Master layouts (Grid) and add interactivity with JavaScript.
Daily Lessons & Tasks:
- Lesson 4: CSS Grid
- Grid template areas, columns, rows.
- Task: Rebuild the café landing page’s menu section using Grid.
- Lesson 5: JavaScript Basics
- Variables, data types, conditionals, loops.
- Task: Create a "Tip Calculator" (takes bill amount, calculates tip).
- Lesson 6: DOM Manipulation
.- Task: Build a "Light/Dark Mode Toggle" for the café landing page.
- Group Project:
- Task: Interactive Dashboard (2 groups).
- Use Grid/Flexbox for layout + JavaScript to toggle data displays.
- Task: Interactive Dashboard (2 groups).
Goal: Build dynamic apps with DOM manipulation and events.
Daily Lessons & Tasks:
- Lesson 7: Functions & Arrays
- Arrow functions, array methods (
). - Task: Create a "Todo List" (add/remove tasks).
- Arrow functions, array methods (
- Lesson 8: Event Handling
- Forms, input validation, preventing defaults.
- Task: Add a "Add to Cart" feature for a mock product page.
- Lesson 9: Local Storage
- Save/retrieve data from
. - Task: Persist Todo List tasks using local storage.
- Save/retrieve data from
- Group Project:
- Task: Quiz App (2 groups).
- Multiple-choice questions, score tracking, and a results page.
- Task: Quiz App (2 groups).
Goal: Build a portfolio-worthy project from scratch.
- Day 1-2: Planning & Setup
- Choose a project (e.g., portfolio site, e-commerce product page, weather app).
- Draft wireframes and write pseudocode.
- Day 3-4: Development
- Code the project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Day 5: Review & Presentation
- Demo the project to the group.
- Submit code (GitHub/GitLab) and write a brief README.
Example Final Projects:
- Personal Portfolio (with projects section, contact form).
- Recipe Finder (search recipes via API).
- Pomodoro Timer with sound alerts.
- HTML: https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
- CSS: https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
- JS: https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp
- Install Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/v8.7.7/
- Install Vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Download Chrome: https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/
MDN Web Docs (HTML Basics)
- HTML Introduction
- Covers tags, elements, attributes, and semantic HTML.
- Why: Official documentation with clear examples.
freeCodeCamp (HTML Tutorial)
- Responsive Web Design Certification (HTML Section)
- Why: Interactive exercises to practice HTML.
W3Schools HTML Tutorial
- W3Schools HTML
- Why: Simple, beginner-friendly explanations with "Try It Yourself" examples.
HTML Cheat Sheet
- HTML Cheat Sheet
- Why: Quick reference for common HTML tags.
MDN Web Docs (CSS Basics)
- CSS First Steps
- Covers selectors, box model, and basic styling.
- Why: Comprehensive and beginner-friendly.
freeCodeCamp (CSS Tutorial)
- Responsive Web Design Certification (CSS Section)
- Why: Hands-on practice with CSS.
CSS-Tricks (Flexbox Guide)
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Why: Visual explanations of Flexbox properties.
W3Schools CSS Tutorial
- W3Schools CSS
- Why: Easy-to-follow tutorials with examples.
CSS Cheat Sheet
- CSS Cheat Sheet
- Why: Quick reference for common CSS properties.
- CodePen: https://codepen.io/
- Why: Great for experimenting with HTML/CSS in real-time.
- Google Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/
- Why: Easy way to add custom fonts to projects.
- Color Hunt: https://colorhunt.co/
- Why: Helps interns pick modern color palettes for their projects.
CSS-Tricks (Grid Guide)
- A Complete Guide to Grid
- Why: Detailed visual guide to CSS Grid.
freeCodeCamp (CSS Grid Tutorial)
- Learn CSS Grid
- Why: Quick and practical introduction to Grid.
MDN Web Docs (CSS Grid)
- CSS Grid Layout
- Why: Official documentation with examples.
Flexbox Froggy (Game)
- Flexbox Froggy
- Why: Fun way to practice Flexbox.
Grid Garden (Game)
- Grid Garden
- Why: Interactive game to learn CSS Grid.
MDN Web Docs (JavaScript Basics)
- JavaScript First Steps
- Why: Covers variables, data types, and basic syntax.
freeCodeCamp (JavaScript Tutorial)
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Why: Interactive exercises to practice JavaScript.
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Why: Beginner-friendly and comprehensive.
W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial
- W3Schools JavaScript
- Why: Simple explanations with examples.
JavaScript Cheat Sheet
- JavaScript Cheat Sheet
- Why: Quick reference for JavaScript syntax.
- CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/
- Why: Great for building and sharing JavaScript projects.
- Chrome DevTools: Chrome DevTools Guide
- Why: Teach interns how to debug HTML/CSS/JavaScript in the browser.
- Can I Use: https://caniuse.com/
- Why: Check browser compatibility for CSS/JavaScript features.
- Week 1: Focus on HTML/CSS basics with MDN, freeCodeCamp, and W3Schools. Use CodePen for practice.
- Week 2: Dive into CSS Grid, Flexbox, and JavaScript basics with MDN, freeCodeCamp, and JavaScript.info. Use CodeSandbox for JavaScript projects.