Imaginer-Generate-function-er =>(iGenfuner) : Function generator and parser
- From this class name,you can know this a utils for Imaginer,It's use to parser(use RPN) a input string, maybe a math function or a math expression;
- From the parser result,must Generate a operate stream (op-stream), to save/record the function or expression Each step of the process;
- Then while you want to get a Special value(eg:1,2,3...),Will use the recorded op-stream, step-by-step calculation until the final results
- change to RPN :
1.2 _ 3 * 3 - 3 + ? x _ 4 3 * + 3 - 1 5 + + $ ? x 7 + $ * 6 * + 5 _ 1 + +
- ===============> calculate: 6 result: -5.35615
- ===============> calculate: 5 result: -10.3544
- change to RPN :
- change to RPN :
? x _ ? ? 3 x + $ 6 + $ + $ 1 + ? x _ $ + 3 +
- ===============> calculate: 6 result: 5.56602
- ===============> calculate: 5 result: 5.09643
- change to RPN :
- change to RPN :
? x ? x $ + $ 3 / 9 +
- ===============> calculate: 6 result: 9.20882
- ===============> calculate: 5 result: 8.7196
- change to RPN :
At The Example:
RPN expression have this letter:
- ? : function's index,because the index is < 0,so std::cout will show ?
- _ : minus; minus sign; negative indication; negative sign;
- $ : The end flag of the math function's arguments;
- provide those function, but you can bind you function with user1 and user2
iGenFuner::sysFun iGenFuner::_sysfun[] =
/*cmath provide such math funtion:*/
self, /*self(x)=x*/zero, /*zero(x)=0*/ one, /*one(x)=1*/ factorial,/*阶乘*/
acos, /*反余弦*/ asin, /*反正弦*/ atan, /*反正切*/ ceil, /*上取整*/
cos, /*余弦*/ cosh, /*双曲余弦*/ exp, /*指数值*/ fabs, /*绝对值*/
floor, /*下取整*/ log, /*对数*/ log10, /*对数*/ sin, /*正弦*/
sqrt, /*开方*/ tan, /*正切*/ user1, /*自定义函数1*/ user2 /*自定义函数2*/
std::string iGenFuner::_sysfunS[] =
"self", /*self(x)=x*/ "zero", /*zero(x)=0*/ "one", /*one(x)=1*/ "factorial",/*阶乘*/
"acos", /*反余弦*/ "asin", /*反正弦*/ "atan", /*反正切*/ "ceil", /*上取整*/
"cos", /*余弦*/ "cosh", /*双曲余弦*/ "exp", /*指数值*/ "fabs", /*绝对值*/
"floor", /*下取整*/ "log", /*对数*/ "log10", /*对数*/ "sin", /*正弦*/
"sqrt", /*开方*/ "tan", /*正切*/ "user1", /*自定义函数1*/ "user2" /*自定义函数2*/
bind function usage:
is Custom math function,you can set you want math function,but you need bind at first Here is a example or usge; -
NOTE: Here is just provide two entry:
,you just bind withbind1
. You can getuser1
.- bind1 : bind a function with user1;
- bind2 : bind a function with user2;
- User1 : get the user1 function you set;
- User2 : get the user2 function you set;
Add js version Genfuner for wx-Canvas,Just want to use at WeChat-small-program
- NOTE:The binduser function is missing
//A example you Custom math function's implement
double you(double x)
return cos(x)+5;
//======at main========
iGenFuner gf;
gf.bind1(you); //bind you function with function point
gf.setExp("sin(x)+user1(x)"); //set expression for parser and generator
std::cout << "cos(4)+5: " << gf.User1()(4) << std::endl;
std::cout << "sin(4)+user1(4) = sin(4)+cos(4)+5: " << gf(4) << std::endl;
- Here bind example with calculate cos(4)+5, and retuen result;
The function's index is get from here code :
#define FUNNUM 20 //this is number of sysFun,now(2017-1-8 10:00),It's 20
char iRpn::getFun(std::string funname)
char index = -1;
while(++index < FUNNUM && funname != _sysfunS[index]);
return (index - 128);