Imaginer‘s App This is an Android app that just want to make Imaginer become more visual. { 这个应用的目的仅仅是为了让Imaginer更加可视化,提高其中的具体算法运行细节的清晰程度,一定程度上有利于过程调试效果展示,当然其本身作为一个应用的意 义也不能被忽视,或许未来很有可能会独立出来作为一个单独的小家伙 }
The purpose of this application is simply to let Imaginer more visual, improve the specific algorithm execution details of clarity, extent have to process the debugging results show, of course its significance as an application cannot be ignored, perhaps in the future is likely to will stand out as a separate small guy
- master
- It's a File browser to choose image
- Maybe find a Image is a problem
- GalleryView
- It's a image browser to choose image,use Gallery
- Loading a large number of pictures is very not smooth
- HSView
- It's a image browser to choose image,use HorizontalScrollView
- Loading a large number of pictures is smooth,but maybe crash
- This is a Imaginer.apk You can click Here to download!