Team: Eagles Who Code
Members: Sabrina Li, Lisa Sun
This project is for Master Modeler Competition 2021, aiming to help ERASE Child Trafficking increase social media exposure.
MAIN FILES: - GraphAPI create RawData - raw JSON files with index matching the excel order, including error100 as empty JSON files - created_times, clean text and attachments create FilteredData, dataset.csv from RawData - A text preprocessing pipeline to clean the post content and extract content-related features such as emojis, mentions, names, etc. - Analyze the post content by generating wordcloud - Analyze the post content by generating ngrams, tf-idf scores, and frequency tables
unavailable_urls.txt - url not working (error100, including deleted, not including repost) - Extract date, time, media type & url; merge engagements from original data create PrepData0313, dataset0313.csv total #obs 2093 - Use OpenCV to extract image feature from photo and thumbnails create json_face, json_tn_face - Incorporate face features into 0313 data create PrepData0315, dataset0315.csv - Assign output engagement labels and add word flags to 0315 data create PrepData0316, dataset0316.csv - Prepare complete post dataset to merge with SentimentAnalysis.csv; create dataset_0320.csv for statistical testing; also created train_new.csv and test_new.csv as train and test sets for modelling
PrelimAnalysis - Create charts in PrelimAnalysisChart & StatsChart, detect outliers, run correlation, regression, and statistical tests - Implement Machine Learning models and evalute their performance
Feature - all features used explained
engagement_rate 16 outlier removed
Quantile after outlier removed:
0.10 13.592867
0.25 27.842227
0.50 54.962819
0.75 108.173077
0.90 214.062232
Name: engagement_rate
total_engagement 13 outlier removed
Quantile after outlier removed:
0.10 3.0
0.25 6.0
0.50 13.0
0.75 28.0
0.90 62.0
Name: total_engagement
Correlation Matrix
> 0.8
total_engagement engagement_rate
total_engagement shares
engagement_rate total_engagement
engagement_rate shares
shares total_engagement
shares engagement_rate
hour time_day
time_day hour
time_day morning
time_day evening
morning time_day
evening time_day
engagement_rate_label total_engagement_label
total_engagement_label engagement_rate_label
Attachment media type summary in raw data:
[share] 1267 => [share]
[photo] 538 => [photo]
[video_inline] 207 => [video]
[album] 21 => [photo]
[] 21 ignore
[video_direct_response] 17 => [video]
[share, fundraiser_for_story] 6 ignore
[native_templates] 4 => [video], but dont have url
[cover_photo] 3 delete, update cover photo
[fundraiser_for_story] 2 ignore
[photo, fundraiser_for_story] 2 ignore
[avatar] 2 delete, others page
[visual_poll] 2 ignore
[video_inline, fundraiser_for_story] 2 ignore fundraiser_for_story
[video] 2 => [video]
[map] 1 => [video] video at a place, cannot get link to video
[profile_media] 1 delete, update profile picture
[new_album] 1 => [photo], photo not shown
^[link] => [link], added based on 'urls' column