- Install dependencies with
pnpm install
- Execute a build with
pnpm build
- Start development environment and watchers with
pnpm start
- Run tests with
pnpm test
This repo holds multiple applications, read more about getting started with each application in their respective README.
This is the invisioned structure for the future.
├── apps ─ End products
│ ├── rehabstod
│ └── webcert
└── packages ─ Shared between applications and libraries
├── eslint-config-custom ─ Linting configuration
├── eslint-config-react ─ Linting configuration for react applications
└── ...
The /packages
folder contain documented libraries that is utilized between applications/libraries.
Shared libraries should generally:
- Output ECMAScript modules that applications and other libraries can consume.
- Contain a
, outlining it's functionality. - Be added to root tsconfig.json's
, for symbol navigation.
Exceptions can be made, for example eslint packages only outputs commonjs since eslint still uses that. And combine-coverage
only holds a binary that the root application uses to combine application test-reports.
- Install Prettier plugin.
- Configure to use prettier when formatting in IntelliJ (requires IntelliJ 2020.2). See Settings -> Language & Frameworks -> Javascript -> Prettier
- Make sure ESLint is enabled and enable "Run eslint --fix on save".
Install plugin
Install plugin
Install plugin
Prettier - Code formatter
Enable auto format on save
, typesettings
and openPreferences: Open Settings (JSON)
Add the following properties
{ "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.formatOnSave": true }
Add the following properties (optional)
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.organizeImports": true, "source.fixAll": true }
Plugin recommendations can be found by opening the extension panel ctrl
+ x
and type @recommended
vitest is used for executing tests.
To run tests in all packages pnpm test
To run tests in all packages with ui pnpm test:ui
To run any perticular test pnpm test /{apps, packages}/<name of application/something.test.ts
To run tests in a perticular package pnpm --filter <package_name> test
Read more about filtering
- Avoid testing implementation details.
- Write fewer, longer tests
- Common mistakes with React Testing Library
Read about build pipelines using openshift.