Tesla Demand Response based on CAISO market prices
This project will monitor CAISO prices at http://oasis.caiso.com/oasisapi/prc_hub_lmp/PRC_HUB_LMP.html every 5 minutes. When prices are over $100/MWh at NP15, a signal will be sent to all registered tesla accounts to shut off charging until prices drop below $100/MWh.
Done so far: -Initial functions defined to read vehicle state and send basic commands. Located in tesla.py -SQL database built to store users, login info, and basic vehicle info. Create database using setup.py -flask website built as front end to access database. features include: -register to create account, including email verification -login (need to add failed login monitoring and lockout) -Account management page with: -update password (need to add email notification when updated) -change email, including verification (need to add notification to old email address) -Account deletion -Link tesla account (need to add failed login monitoring/lockout, and unlink) -Homepage with list of vehicles and link to each -Vehicle details page with climate state, charge state, and location -Functions to start and stop charging -Ability to set managed charging aggressiveness (1-100 scale stored in database)
To do: -Back end database cron jobs: -refresh tokens daily (for tokens expiring in the next three days) -Regularly poll vehicles for sleep state, charge state, and location -Calculate relevant benchmark price from location (euclidian distance) -Monitor CAISO price -trigger update of vehicle info when CAISO price hits threshold -pause charging if conditions met -log DR events -Front end: -Add account management: -Add unlink tesla account -Security notifications: -Password change -email change (to old email) -Failed login monitoring and locking -main account -tesla account
Long-term enhancements include: -Track Demand Response (DR) events and prices to calculate wholesale value of energy not used -Place DR event location within electric utility service area -Allow user to set up data logging -Allow users to set custom price threshold -Alow users to set maximum number of DR responses to skip in any 24-hour period