Tools for building DC/OS and launchign a cluster with it in the hardware of a customer's choice.
- docker/ Locally defined docker containers packages are built in
- docs/ Documentation
- ext/dcos-installer/ Backend for Web, SSH, and some bits of the Advanced installer. To be merged into the top codebase once the code is cleaned up
- gen/ Python library for rendering yaml config files for various platforms into packages, with utilities to do things like make "late binding" config set by CloudFormation
- gen/installer/ Code to take a build and transform it into a particular platform installer (Bash / command line, AWS, Azure, etc.)
- packages/ Packages which make up DC/OS (Mesos, Marathon, AdminRouter, etc). These packages are built by pkgpanda, and combined into a "bootstrap" tarball for deployment.
- pkgpanda/ DC/OS baseline/host package management system. Tools for building, deploying, upgrading, and bundling packages together which live on the root filesystem of a machine / underneath Mesos.
- pytest/ Misc. tests. Should be moved to live next to the appropriate code
- release/ Release tools for DC/OS. (Building releases, building installers for releases, promoting between channels)
- ssh/ AsyncIO based parallel ssh library used by the installer
- test_util/ various scripts, utilties to help with integration testing
All code in this repository is Python 3
- Linux
- Docker (1.9+)
- SELinux disabled
- Python 3 as /usr/bin/python
Create a config file based on config/dcos-release.config.yaml.
- AWS, Azure, and Local storage are supported. See
Local storage example:
kind: local_path
path: /artifact-storage/
preferred: local
Setup a local build environment:
- Make a python virtualenv
pyvenv ../env
- Activate the environment
source ../env/bin/activate
- Install dcos-image python to the environment as editable packages
Doing a release build:
release create <release-name> <tag>
where is something like your name (cmaloney), tag lets you see what the build was from on pages like aws.html.
Lots of docs are still being written. If you have immediate questions please ask the DC/OS Community. Someone else probably has exactly the same question.
- Add getting started on common distros / dependencies
- Add overview of what is in here, how it works
- Add general theory of stuff that goes in here.
- Setting up / using tox for dev
- PR (guidelines, testing)
- Running your first build
- How to make different sorts of common changes