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Convolutional Neural Network on CUDA with Matlab front-end

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This is to my knowledge the world's first CUDA/C++ implementation of ConvNets. The library first released in 2009 at MatlabCentral as a part of Matlab toolkit, then on Bitbucket. I put it here just for reference. It's not supported anymore.


CudaCnn is a Convolutional neural networks library writen on C++/CUDA with Matlab frontend. It is the new version of my old Mablab + CUDA CNN library.

Current features are:

  • Training methods: Stochastic gradient, Stochastic Levenberg-Marquardt
  • Layers: Convolutional, Pooling (max, average), Fully-connected
  • Transfer functions: Linear, Tansig, Tansig_mod (variance normalized version of tansig)
  • CUDA is optional, you can compile CPU version of library, however it's not optimized at all
  • All dependencies are optional, you can compile library with or without them:
    • HDF5 for saving and loading network in this format
    • Matlab libs if you want Matlab interface
    • Boost needed for shared_ptr in case you don't want to compile lib with C++0x support
    • gtest for building tests

There's Matlab demo sctipts with GUI showing the training of ConvNet on MNIST dataset.

Quick start for Matlab users

If you just want to run the training or simulation, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the sources

Very simple:

git clone

This will clone the repository in current folder.

  1. Generate build files

In order to generate build files you'll need CMake cross-compile tool. Ubuntu users just type sudo apt-get install cmake. For those who's not familar with CMake installation of CMake GUI tool is recomeded (for Windows it's installed by default)

Also you'll need some environment to process makefiles (e.g. Visual C++ on Windows or gcc on Ubuntu) installed. If you going to compile CUDA version of library you should have CUDA 4.2 Toolkit installed.

In the cudacnn-public folder, create folder build, go there and type


where is the environment which you want to use to build and x.x is compute capability of your CUDA graphics card (2.0 for Fermi cards (default), 3.0 for Kepler). If you build it without CUDA then you don't need this option For example, if you run it on Windows with 64-bit version of Visual Studio 10 and you have graphics card with Kepler GPU, then the command will look like this:

*cmake -G “Visual Studio 10 Win64” -DCUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES=3.0 ../ *

Please note that Visual Studio version should match to Matlab version. That is, if you have 64-bit Matlab installed, you should use -G “Visual Studio 10 Win64”, otherwise you should use -G “Visual Studio 10”.

Also note that previously I didn't mention about DCUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES option, so by default CC was set to 2.0 and you might got an error on Kepler devices: Cuda exception. Failed to Propagate in CLayerCudainvalid device function File

Default settings are set to compile Matlab wrapper, use CUDA and not use HDF5. If you want to compile without CUDA you can add -D WITH_CUDA=FALSE when running cmake. If everything is ok, you'll see the messages that configuring and generating is done.

  1. Compile the project

In case of Windows/Visual Studio just open cudacnn.sln, make sure that the configuration type is Release and build all. In case of Ubuntu type make in build folder to build the project. You can also setup Eclipse or NetBeans makefile-based project and build it from there.

After build is finished two files are created cudacnn.lib(so) and cudacnnMex.. Latter is an wrapper for Matlab and automatically copied to m_files/@cnn.

  1. Run the training demo

In demos folder there's train_mnist.m script which runs Convolutional neural network training on the MNIST handwritten digits recognition dataset. Before run it you should download MNIST dataset from here: and put it to cudacnn-public/data/MNIST folder.

If everything was ok, after running the train_mnist.m in Matlab, you'll see the GUI with training information:

Full training could take pretty much time (hours), so you can either abort training by pressing the corresponding button (in this case all training progress is saved) or you can set less number of training samples (line 35) or less epochs (line 143). Usually MCR (missclassification rate) drops to ~ 15% after 30 s on modern PC even without CUDA, which could be enough to see the progress. The resulting trained network is saved in cnnet variable, which can be saved on disk for later use.

If you want to see how the network recognizes specific simbols from dataset, you can use mnist_gui.m. But before that you should save your trained network into demos folder and name it mnist_cnet.mat. If you run the script you'll see the window like this:

Specify the path to the MNIST images dataset (data/MNIST/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte) and check Autorecognition to see the preview of the handwritten digit and recognition result:

Use "<" and ">" buttons to change the images.

Quick start without Matlab

To be done...

How to train network with your own data

Datareader paradigm

Cudacnn library uses datareader concept to abstract training from actual data. You may want to train network with different types of data (images, audio, some other features). These datasets can be really huge, so it would be impossible (or impractical) to load them alltogether in memory and you need to load and preprocess them by parts. Datareader helps intended to help with this.

Datareader is a Matlab struct, which should have the following fields:

  • num_samples - total number of samples in dataset;
  • read - reference to a function which takes two inputs: datareader struct and sample number and outputs 3 variables: input sample, target value for sample, and datareader struct.


Suppose you simply have all your data already preprocessed in a Matlab workspace and want to feed them in to a training function. For example, there're cell arrays in your workspace, which define your training and test datasets: training_inputs, training_labels, test_inputs and test_labels. Then you create a simple function: And add the following lines to your train script:

More advanced version of the datareader, which loads the data from file to a buffer can be seen in demos/mnist_datareader.m


  • CUDA version of library only works with graphics cards of Compute capability >= 2.0
  • Lib was only tested on Windows 7 64-bit, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 11.04`


Convolutional Neural Network on CUDA with Matlab front-end






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