This script is a bot to auto login your HSBC account which free you from the tedious two way authentication!
- Support to auto login and download eStatement from HSBC credit card account
- Support Saving account and Credit card account statements download
- Support statement type (credit and/or debit card) download configuration
- Python3.6+
- selenium (python library) 3.141.0+
- chrome browser (above v77.0.3865.75+)
- [Chrome Driver]( 77.0.3865.40+)
create a config file as per Src/sample_config.ini
Using base64 encoded secrets to configure account info
# Bank login info (more secured way to be implemented)
username = <base64encrypted(username)>
memorable = <base64encrypted(memorable sentence)>
secret2 = <base64encrypted(second password)>
accounts = <account_number1>,<account_number2>,...
Specify the location of your chromedriver in the config file
# paths config for linux
# Driver path
driver_path = <path_to>/chromedriver
# chrome path can be empty if bin in $PATH
chrome_path = <path_to>/chrome
Change the location where you want to save statements still in the config file
# paths config for linux
# File download location
FILE_DIR = <path_to>/files
Set issue dates for credit card and statement
credit_card = 12
statement = 26
To download all statements (both credit and debit card) from your account:
Python -c <config_file> -a -t cd
If you just want to download current monthly credit card statement,
Python -c <config_file> -d -t c
To retrieve a specific monthly debit card statement, you can type (currently, HSBC only stores the latest 24 months' statements for their client):
Python -c <config_file> -m Mon-YYYY -t d(e.g., Python -m Jun-2016)
-Download type setting
[-t type]
-t type
specify download type for credit and/or debit card statement. ("c" for credit card, "d" for debit card)
for example,
-t cd (download both credit and debit card statement)
-t c (only download credit card statement)