A Sample CMake Project to Build / Cross-Compile for Different Targets (A72,A53,R5F,C7x and C6x) across Four TI's SOCs (J784S4, J721S2, J721E, AM62A)
CMake 3.22.1 version is atleast required
Installation Steps:
wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.22/cmake-3.22.1.tar.gz
tar xf cmake-3.22.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.22.1
sudo make install
The target_build folder i.e c6x_build, c7x_build, linux_build, mcu_build are individual CMake Projects which are configured to build for SOC's respective target cores, they are called from a top level cmake file i.e CMakeLists.txt
the cmake folder contains,
- Common make configs which are used to build libraries and binaries
- Build flags to set the flags for the target core to build for the respective SOC
- Tool paths to set the toolchain paths
- Target cores i.e r5f.cmake, .. to set compiler specific flags
include folder contains the header files
src folder contains C files meant for building libraries
test folder contains main.c files meant for building executables
Clone the Repo into your workspace
git clone --single-branch -b v3 https://github.com/sinha-shreyash/ti-cmake-build-sys.git <project> cd <project>
Set SOC to j721e/j721s2/j784s4/am62a
For eg:
export SOC=am62a
Check the directory where the toolchains are installed in your setup
Note: The directory name of the toolchains are fixed as of now, please go through tool_paths.cmake inside cmake folder if it is installed in some other directory
Adding Files:
- Place your .c and .h files in the src and include directories.
- Specify the file to be built (library or executable) by setting a variable (e.g., LIB_SRC_FILES).
Building Libraries:
- Ex: Consider mcu_build as Build Folder
- Pass the appropriate source files and other parameters (e.g., version, shared/static).
- User will Call the build_lib function in CMakeLists.txt within the target build folder.
For eg:
set(EG_LIB_SRC_FILES ${TOP_CMAKE_DIR}/src/sub.c) build_lib(subtract SHARED 0.1.0 ${EG_LIB_SRC_FILES})
Building Executables:
- Ex: Consider linux_build as Build Folder
- User will call the build_app function in CMakeLists.txt similarly to build binaries.
- Specify all required libraries.
For eg:
set(BIN_SRC_FILES ${TOP_CMAKE_DIR}/test/calculator.c) build_app(main lib_name ${BIN_SRC_FILES})
Running the Build Script:
- Execute ./build.sh to trigger CMake.
- Clean the build with make clean.
For eg:
./build.sh make clean
The built binaries and libraries will be present inside,
- SOC/CORE/bin/Release/ folder
- SOC/CORE/lib/Release/ folder
To install the binaries or libraries,
sudo make install