Sinfonier Api Intel Edison is API REST based on tornado that allows you to interact with diferent sensors that are plug in the Intel Edison Board. If you run this API as a service you can interact with your sensor with a simple request.
Install pre-requisites.We presume that python is installed , as in our Intel Edison came by default with Python 2.7.
*opkg install gcc
Install pip. Intel Edison is powered by Yocto but pip is not in the official repositories, therefore we need to add the unofficial repositories.
*vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
Add the following three lines:
src/gz all src/gz edison src/gz core2-32
Save and close the file. Then update the package list.
*opkg update
PIP is now installed, however it requires setuptools to be installed before PIP can install any Python packages.
Once the easy setup file has been downloaded, run it.
Once the setup process finishes you will be able to install packages on your Intel Edison using PIP.
Install python libraries.
*pip install tornado
Clone this repository, you should have git installed.
*opkg install git *cd /opt *git clone
Rename the folder if you want
*mv sinfonier-api-inteledison/ tornado
Check and start the API
*python /opt/tornado/devapi/
If you want you can create a service, so the API continue running when you exit the system.
Create the file tornado.service
*touch /lib/systemd/system/tornado.service
Add the following lines
[Unit] Description=Start, stop or restart tornado web service
[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/python2.7 /opt/tornado/devapi/ [Install]
Update the changes and start the service.
*systemctl daemon-reload *systemctl enable tornado.service *systemctl start tornado.service
If we want to check the service status, we can execute
*systemctl status tornado.service
To Stop the service execute
*systemctl stop tornado.service
If the system restarts, the API will restart to as a service.
The API has an specific requets to each plugin or sensor we have. The available ones are the following
*LEDs - POST → /api/switchled
*LCD Screen - POST → /api/screen
*Light Sensor - GET → /api/light/<NUM_PORT>
*Button - GET → /api/button/<NUM_PORT>
*Buzzer - POST → /api/switchbuzzer
*Rotary Angle Sensor - GET → /api/rotaryangle/<NUM_PORT>
*Sound Sensor - GET → /api/sound/<NUM_PORT>
*Touch Sensor - GET → /api/touchsensor/<NUM_PORT>