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ehmicky committed Sep 7, 2024
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<img src="media/logo.jpg" alt="nano-spawn logo">

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> Tiny process execution for humans — a better [`child_process`](
> This package is still a work in progress.
Check out [`execa`]( for more features.

## Features

- Outputs combined result of stdout and stderr, similar to what you get in terminals
- Outputs lines
- No dependencies
No dependencies. Small package size: ![npm package minzipped size]( [![Install size](](

Despite the small size, this is packed with some essential features:
- [Promise-based](#nanospawnfile-arguments-options) interface.
- Execute [locally installed binaries](#optionspreferlocal) without `npx`.
- Improved [Windows support](#windows-support).
- Proper handling of [subprocess failures](#subprocesserror) and better error messages.
- [Pipe](#subprocesspipefile-arguments-options) multiple subprocesses and retrieve [intermediate results](#resultpipedfrom).
- [Iterate](#subprocesssymbolasynciterator) over the output lines.
- Get [interleaved output](#resultoutput) from stdout and stderr similar to what is printed on the terminal.
- Strip [unnecessary newlines](#resultstdout).
- Pass strings as [`stdin` input](#optionsstdin-optionsstdout-optionsstderr) to the subprocess.
- Preserve the current [Node.js version and flags](#nanospawnfile-arguments-options).
- Simpler syntax to set [environment variables](#optionsenv) or [`stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr`](#optionsstdin-optionsstdout-optionsstderr).
- Compute the command [duration](#resultdurationms).

## Install

Expand All @@ -35,35 +40,250 @@ npm install nano-spawn

## Usage

import $ from 'nano-spawn';
### Run commands

const result = await $('echo', ['🦄']);
import spawn from 'nano-spawn';

//=> 0
const result = await spawn('echo', ['🦄']);
//=> '🦄'

### Iterate over output lines

import $ from 'nano-spawn';

for await (const line of $('ls', ['--oneline'])) {
for await (const line of spawn('ls', ['--oneline'])) {
//=> index.d.ts
//=> index.js
//=> …

### Pipe commands

const result = await spawn('npm', ['run', 'build'])
.pipe('head', ['-n', '2']);

## API

See the [types](source/index.d.ts) for now.
### nanoSpawn(file, arguments?, options?)

`file`: `string`\
`arguments`: `string[]`\
`options`: [`Options`](#options)\
_Returns_: [`Subprocess`](#subprocess)

Executes a command using `file ...arguments`.

This has the same syntax as [`child_process.spawn()`](

If `file` is `'node'`, the current Node.js version and [flags]( are inherited.

#### Options

##### options.stdio,, options.timeout, options.signal, options.cwd, options.killSignal, options.serialization, options.detached, options.uid, options.gid, options.windowsVerbatimArguments, options.windowsHide, options.argv0

All `child_process.spawn()` options can be passed to `nanoSpawn()`. Please see [the `node:child_process` documentation]( for a description of each option.

##### options.env

_Type_: `object`\
_Default_: `{}`

Override specific [environment variables]( Other environment variables are inherited from the current process ([`process.env`](

##### options.preferLocal

_Type_: `boolean`\
_Default_: `false`

Allows executing binaries installed locally with `npm` (or `yarn`, etc.).

##### options.stdin, options.stdout, options.stderr

_Type_: `string | number | Stream | {string: string}`

Subprocess's standard [input]([output]([error](

[All values supported]( by `node:child_process` are available. The most common ones are:
- `'pipe'` (default value): returns the output using [`result.stdout`](#resultstdout), [`result.stderr`](#resultstderr) and [`result.output`](#resultoutput).
- `'inherit'`: uses the current process's [input]([output]( This is useful when running in a terminal.
- `'ignore'`: discards the input/output.
- [`Stream`]( redirects the input/output from/to a stream. For example, [`fs.createReadStream()`]([`fs.createWriteStream()`]( can be used, once the stream's [`open`]( event has been emitted.
- `{string: '...'}`: passes a string as input to `stdin`.

#### Subprocess

Subprocess started by [`nanoSpawn()`](#nanospawnfile-arguments-options).

##### await subprocess

_Returns_: [`Result`](#result)\
_Throws_: [`SubprocessError`](#subprocesserror)

A subprocess is a promise that is either resolved with a successful [`result` object](#result) or rejected with a [`subprocessError`](#error).

##### subprocess.stdout

_Returns_: `AsyncIterable<string>`\
_Throws_: [`SubprocessError`](#subprocesserror)

Iterates over each [`stdout`](#resultstdout) line, as soon as it is available.

The iteration waits for the subprocess to end (even when using [`break`]( or [`return`]( It throws if the subprocess [fails](#subprocesserror). This means you do not need to call [`await subprocess`](#await-subprocess).

##### subprocess.stderr

_Returns_: `AsyncIterable<string>`\
_Throws_: [`SubprocessError`](#subprocesserror)

Same as [`subprocess.stdout`](#subprocessstdout) but for [`stderr`](#resultstderr) instead.

##### subprocess[Symbol.asyncIterator]\()

_Returns_: `AsyncIterable<string>`\
_Throws_: [`SubprocessError`](#subprocesserror)

Same as [`subprocess.stdout`](#subprocessstdout) but for both [`stdout` and `stderr`](#resultoutput).

##### subprocess.pipe(file, arguments?, options?)

`file`: `string`\
`arguments`: `string[]`\
`options`: [`Options`](#options)\
_Returns_: [`Subprocess`](#subprocess)

Similar to the `|` symbol in shells. [Pipe]( the subprocess's[`stdout`]( to a second subprocess's [`stdin`](

This resolves with that second subprocess's [result](#result). If either subprocess is rejected, this is rejected with that subprocess's [error](#subprocesserror) instead.

This follows the same syntax as [`nanoSpawn(file, arguments?, options?)`](#nanospawnfile-arguments-options). It can be done multiple times in a row.

##### await subprocess.nodeChildProcess

_Type_: `ChildProcess`

Underlying [Node.js child process](

Among other things, this can be used to terminate the subprocess using [`.kill()`]( or exchange IPC message using [`.send()`](

#### Result

When the subprocess succeeds, its [promise](#await-subprocess) is resolved with an object with the following properties.

##### result.stdout

_Type_: `string`

The output of the subprocess on [standard output](

If the output ends with a [newline](, that newline is automatically stripped.

This is an empty string if either:
- The [`stdout`](#optionsstdin-optionsstdout-optionsstderr) option is set to another value than `'pipe'` (its default value).
- The output is being iterated using [`subprocess.stdout`](#subprocessstdout) or [`subprocess[Symbol.asyncIterator]`](#subprocesssymbolasynciterator).

##### result.stderr

_Type_: `string`

Like [`result.stdout`](#resultstdout) but for the [standard error]( instead.

##### result.output

_Type_: `string`

Like [`result.stdout`](#resultstdout) but for both the [standard output]( and [standard error](, interleaved.

##### result.command

_Type_: `string`

The file and arguments that were run.

It is intended for logging or debugging. Since the escaping is fairly basic, it should not be executed directly.

##### result.durationMs

_Type_: `number`

Duration of the subprocess, in milliseconds.

##### result.pipedFrom

_Type_: `Result | SubprocessError | undefined`

If [`subprocess.pipe()`](#subprocesspipefile-arguments-options) was used, the [result](#result) or [error](#subprocesserror) of the other subprocess that was piped into this subprocess.

#### SubprocessError

_Type_: `Error`

When the subprocess fails, its [promise](#await-subprocess) is rejected with this error.

Subprocesses fail either when their [exit code](#subprocesserrorexitcode) is not `0` or when terminated by a [signal](#subprocesserrorsignalname). Other failure reasons include misspelling the command name or using the [`timeout`]( option.

Subprocess errors have the same shape as [successful results](#result), with the following additional properties.

##### subprocessError.exitCode

_Type_: `number | undefined`

The numeric [exit code]( of the subprocess that was run.

This is `undefined` when the subprocess could not be spawned or was terminated by a [signal](#subprocesserrorsignalname).

##### subprocessError.signalName

_Type_: `string | undefined`

The name of the [signal]( (like [`SIGTERM`]( that terminated the subprocess, sent by either:
- The current process.
- Another process. This case is [not supported on Windows](

If a signal terminated the subprocess, this property is defined and included in the [error message]( Otherwise it is `undefined`.

## Windows support

This package fixes several cross-platform issues with [`node:child_process`]( It brings full Windows support for:
- Node modules binaries (without requiring the [`shell`]( option).
- `.cmd`, `.bat` and other shell files.
- The [`PATHEXT`]( environment variable.
- Windows-specific [newlines](

## Alternatives

`nano-spawn`'s main goal is to be small, yet useful. Nonetheless, depending on your use case, there are other ways to run subprocesses in Node.js.

### `node:child_process`

`nano-spawn` is built on top of the [`node:child_process`]( core module.

If you'd prefer avoiding adding any dependency, you may use `node:child_process` directly. However, you might miss the [features](#features) `nano-spawn` provides: [proper error handling](#subprocesserror), [full Windows support](#windows-support), [local binaries](#optionspreferlocal), [piping](#subprocesspipefile-arguments-options), [lines iteration](#subprocesssymbolasynciterator), [interleaved output](#resultoutput), [and more](#features).

import {execFile} from 'node:child_process';
import {promisify} from 'node:util';

const pExecFile = promisify(execFile);

const result = await pExecFile('npm', ['run', 'build']);

### Execa

[Execa]( is a similar package: it provides the same features, is also built on top of `node:child_process`, and is maintained by the [same people](#maintainers).

On one hand, it has a bigger size: [![Install size](](

## Limitations
On the other hand, it provides a bunch of additional features: [scripts](, [template string syntax](, [synchronous execution](, [file]( or [binary input/output](, [advanced piping](, [verbose mode](, [graceful]( or [forceful termination](, [IPC](, [shebangs on Windows](, [and much more]( Also, it is [very widely used]( and [battle-tested](

- It does not handle binary output. Use [`execa`]( for that.
We recommend using Execa in most cases, unless your environment really requires using small packages (for example, in a library or in a serverless function).

## Maintainers

Expand All @@ -72,5 +292,4 @@ See the [types](source/index.d.ts) for now.

## Related

- [execa]( - Process execution for humans
- [unicorn-magic]( - Slightly improved `child_process#execFile`

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