26/03/2020 - Added Marzana hospital for the first time
27/03/2020 - Added Ospedale di comunità Villa Maria - Padova for the first time
28/03/2020 - Added Casa di cura Villa Maria - Padova for the first time
29/03/2020 - Added ODC Belluno for the first time
31/03/2020 - Added new categories negativizzati virologici, attualmente positivi, totale decessi
01/04/2020 - Added new hospitals Adria, Ormelle, Vedelago, Rizzola
03/04/2020 - Added new hospitals Marostica and different tables for health care centers
03/04/2020 - Switching to accented chars
17/04/2020 - Reports are now only at 8:00 AM
04/05/2020 - Reports are now back at 17:00
08/05/2020 - new table format
The repository is organized with the following folders:
contains all raw data extracted and manually pre-processed to generate the dataset. See the inner README for more detail on the extraction process -
contains the cvs files of the dataset -
contains the json representation of the dataset
There are two major sources of data:
The daily positive persons and those in isolation (
), broken down by city (actually, by city of residence, so there is a small amount of persons accounted from other cities outside the region) -
The daily statistics for all the hospitals of the regions (
). Those include:- daily hospitalized persons in non critical conditions;
- daily persons in intensive care
- number of people discharged since the beginning (cumulative info)
- number of deaths since the beginning (cumulative info)
The data has been collected mostly from the daily reports by Regione Veneto that can be found on most local newspapers:
L'Arena daily updates