RSG is a simple solution to execute your distributed application on top of SimGrid. You just have to reimplement the little class abstracting every network interactions that you have down below in your code architecture. This is easy with the RSG client API.
Then, the RSG server can start your (real) application on top of a (simulated) platform, enabling you to use the full power of SimGrid as a perfect testbench for your application.
Enjoy reproducibility, clairvoyance and simplicity while testing your distributed application or infrastructure !
SimGrid is a strong and mature framework to study distributed algorithms or applications. The current (2020-10) RSG implementation aims at robustness, all supported features should be tested.
If you are interested, please drop us a line on the mailing list.
SimGrid is released under LGPL-2.1 and Remote SimGrid is released under LGPL-3.0.
Install dependencies:
- docopt-cpp:
nix-env -f -iA docopt_cpp
- Protobuf:
nix-env -i protobuf
- SimGrid:
nix-env -f -iA simgrid324
Make sure all of them are accessible by pkg-config:
pkg-config --cflags --libs docopt protobuf simgrid
output how to link and include all the libraries.
If this is not the case, update your PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
Then, Remote SimGrid is built with the Meson build system:
meson build # --prefix=/install/directory
ninja -C build
ninja install -C build