- copy cerevoice_eng/ and voice/ folders into preprocessing/
- voice/ has to contain both voice and licence files
- optional: copy bbdf and refdf files to preprocessing/data/
- copy cerevoice_eng/ and voice/ folders into preprocessing/
usage: run preprocessing/create_json.py with python 2.7 (--h for list of available arguments)
- specify location of bbdf and refdf files with --o , if files are not in preprocessing/data
- default output folder: preprocessing/data/output
- copy images/ , audio/ and json/ from Slurk static folder into evaluation/data/
- copy corresponding log file(s) into evaluation/data/
usage: run evaluation/evaluate_logs.ipynb with Jupyter Notebook
- create config.ini (copy from config.template.ini)
- fill in AWS credentials, change urls if slurk is not hosted locally ('link_generator' and 'login' sections)
- set 'value' to 'true' if used in production ('false' for sandbox)
publishing HITs
- execute publish_hits.py to publish HITs on AMT (specify number of HITs using the -n argument)
- all HIT IDs are registered in JSON files in the 'published' directory
deleting HITs
- execute delete_hits.py to delete all HITs found in the 'published' directory