is a console client for gerrit written in rust. This is a rust
learner project. Have patience with me :-)
Currently tested with Gerrit V02.09 and V02.13.
Common github workflow: fork, clone, branch, commit, push and then pullrequest. I'm happy about every PR, but I will ask questions about changes to learn from your knowledge.
- A installed
binary in$PATH
- gerrit server with installed download-plugin
Some design considerations here. Implemented features marked with [x]
. All
other ideas are todos and marked with [ ]
semver at version 1.0.0. Before this version no semver!
remove external depency to host
- git binary
- gerrit with download plugin
manage of topics over more than one repository (git submodules like)
ggr topic forget <BRANCHNAME> [-R]
Delete a branch at mainfolder and and with-R
in all subfolders.- Add option
in conjunction with-R
to remove all branches recursive which have no commit and the repositories are clean. Warn unclean repositories/branches.
- Add option
ggr topic checkout <BRANCHNAME>
Checkout a branch on all repositories.- 0.1.8 first check base folder if checkout happened sync all submodules than checkout changes for topic on subfolders
ggr topic pull ...
same asggr topic fetch
. This sub function is renamed becausefetch
is more in line with git speak thanpull
. -
ggr topic fetch [-f] [-b branchname] <topicname>
fetch latest version of commits for a topic. Create for all changes a branch with the patch identifier as name, or with-b
with a given branchname.- 0.1.9 Add tracking information via
--track <branch>
option. - 0.1.14 Add
option to pull closed (merged) topics - 0.1.21 Add
get history of topic. Seetopic history
- 0.1.9 Add tracking information via
ggr topic history <topicname>
fetch all versions of all changes within as tags. The tag format isggr/<topicname>/<topicid>
. Thetopicid
is the reference number plus version of the patch. -
ggr topic reviewer [<TOPIC>] [-r <+/-MAIL>,...]
Add(+) or remove(-) reviewer (-r
) from topic. Without an option we receive a list of all reviewers on this topic.- 0.1.17
for detailed view of approvals - Without TOPIC it used the actual topic (!=master) on base and submodules.
- Add
option for formating of output. Using of rust variable and formating informations like{email}
- 0.1.17
ggr topic abandon|restore [<TOPIC>]
Abandon/restore a complete topic.- Without TOPIC it uses the actual topic
- 0.1.18
[-m <MESSAGE>]
adds a abandon message to all changes in this topic -
notifiy a group of accounts about this abandon action or don't notify (viaNONE
). Default isALL
ggr topic verify [<TOPICNAME>] [-c <code-review>] [-l "<revie-label>"] [-m <MESSAGE>]
Gerrits labels are configurable on server side. Via-l
option the label can be accessed. (e.g.-l "Code-Review:2"
). Option-c <VALUE>
is a convenient option for-l "Code-Review:<VALUE>"
. Currently only-2/-1/0/1/2
as values for labels possible. Additionaly a message can appended on all commits of a topic.- 0.1.21 Without option a overview of review process is printed
Query changes
ggr changes query <QUERY>
query a searchstring to gerrit server. Use asQUERY
the same syntax as in gerrit web frontend. eg-
0.1.7 Add
to show only keys selected by regular expression. This remove the --fields selector introduced in 0.1.4. -
0.1.6 Add a
option to print it in human readable format. -
0.1.4 Add
to get all selectable fields, usable for--fields
option on a second call. -
0.1.4 Add
for json in raw format. Usable for pretty printer over pipe -
0.1.4 Option
to get additional information of changes back (like REVISION etc ...)
ggr changes query status:open is:watched n:2
: query open changes whichwatched
0.1.5 Use of curl-rs as http client
0.1.0 Use a config file
in TOML format-
: base url with schema (http) -
0.1.3 User authentication (deprecated since 0.1.9)
: username for loginpassword
: password for login [x] 0.1.9 only.netrc
settings are respected for username and password. u/p in config file are ignored
: true if this is the uppermost project of all repositories underneath -
Authentication (e.g.: digest, basic)
are supported. Current implementation calls both. First one isbasic
and second one isdigest
Consider to configure via config file or put all settings into as entries in
The values are same for config file and git-config approach. For the git-config we useggr-
as a prefix. -
provide a configuration frontend
ggr config set baseurl 'http://localhost'
: set newbaseurl
ggr config unset -C project1 root
: removeroot
in project1 repository -
ggr config set root
: set root for current repository - 0.1.0
ggr config list
: list all options- ... with origin of setting
ggr config generate --base <...> ...
: generates a.ggr.config
0.1.9 Use
file to get username and password.
add a
option to print what we want to do, but we don't do it- changes fetch
- gerritapi changes abandonchange
- gerritapi changes create
- topic fetch
- topic abandon
- topic checkout
- topic create
- topic fetch
- topic forget
- 0.1.21 topic history
- topic restore
- topic reviewer
- topic verify
Library features
0.1.16 cli needs a subcommand to do lowlevel task -> gerritapi
0.1.0 implement base for http requests and responses
build a feature complete library to work with gerrit servers
- access endpoint
- accounts endpoint
- changes endpoint
- 0.2.0 Create change
- 0.2.0 Query Changes
- 0.2.4 Get Change
- 0.2.4 Get Change Detail
- Get Topic
- Set Topic
- Delete Topic
- Abandon Change
- 0.2.2 Restore Change
- 0.2.2 Rebase Change
- Move Change
- Revert Change
- Submit Change
- Changes Submitted Together
- Publish Draft Change
- Delete Draft Change
- Get Included In
- Index Change
- List Change Comments
- List Change Drafts
- Check Change
- Fix Change
- reviewer endpoint
- 0.2.1 List Reviewers
- Suggest Reviewers
- 0.2.1 Get Reviewer
- 0.2.1 Add Reviewer
- 0.2.1 Delete Reviewer
- List Votes
- Delete Vote
- Revision Endpoints
- Get Commit
- Get Revision Actions
- Get Review
- Get Related Changes
- 0.2.3 Set Review
- Rebase Revision
- Submit Revision
- Publish Draft Revision
- Delete Draft Revision
- Get Patch
- Get Mergeable
- Get Submit Type
- Test Submit Type
- Test Submit Rule
- List Revision Drafts
- Create Draft
- Get Draft
- Update Draft
- Delete Draft
- List Revision Comments
- Get Comment
- List Files
- Get Content
- Download Content
- Get Diff
- Get Blame
- Set Reviewed
- Delete Reviewed
- Cherry Pick Revision
- config endpoint
- 0.2.0 Get Version
- Get Server Info
- Confirm Email
- List Caches
- Cache Operations
- Get Cache
- Flush Cache
- Get Summary
- List Capabilities
- List Tasks
- Get Task
- Delete Task
- Get Top Menus
- Get Default User Preferences
- Set Default User Preferences
- Get Default Diff Preferences
- Set Default Diff Preferences
- groups endpoint
- plugins endpoint
- projects endpoint
Removed functionality
ggr topic create <BRANCHNAME> [-r sub:rev]
Removed since 0.1.22, use insteadgit submodule foreach 'git branch <topicname>; true'
Old functionality:
Create branch at main folder and specified subfolders. If a branch with same name exists it isn't touched.
is the reference where branch should created Defaults toorign/master
. For base folder use-r .
Other Ideas
0.1.9 implement a log mechanism to get debugging information via loglevel switch
ggr changes fetch CHANGEID
Fetchs a changeid CHANGEID and his ancestors. The branch name is the CHANGEID name. -
0.1.16 do work to support more than one gerrit server
0.1.14 create a helper script for setup of development environment
- docker based gerrit server
found docker imagedocker pull openfrontier/gerrit
- setup password and username for gerrit
- autogenerate git repositrories and submodules
- setup gerrit for this repositories
- auto push master branches to gerrit
- docker based gerrit server
ggr stat [-F <date>] [-T <data>]
some statistics like opened and closed review since a week or between a timespan. via iso-8601 likedate -Is
ggr stat -F 1w
: last week to nowggr stat -F 2015-12-31 -T 2016-02-01
: from 01.01.2016T00:00 till 01.02.2016T23:59:59ggr stat -F 2016-01-01
: from 02.01.2016T00:00 till nowggr stat -T 2016-02-01
: from begin of gerrit usage till 01.02.2016T23:59:59
ggr topic list -s
List all development branches and the repositories. With-s
it includes the commits in the branch likegit submodule summary
. -
ggr topic push [-b] [<BRANCHNAME>]
Push changes to gerrit. Without-b
its pushed to gerrit. With option-b
its pushed to a build server. Without branchname the current branch is pushed. -
ggr topic rename OLDTOPIC TOPIC
Rename OLDTOPIC to TOPIC- make OLDTOPIC optional, the current topic is renamed
reviewer per commit
reviewer per repository
status of branches
shows status of a branch (remote and local likegit remote show ...
ggr status [<BRANCHNAME>]
Support for
folder -
Consider to use
Consider to use
0.1.11 Document
module -
0.1.5 Add .travis.yml
This creates a dockercontainer which is connectable via http://localhost:8080.
The server is setup for development and all accounts can do all things.
It generate or use a DOCKER-FOR-GERRIT
folder containing of settings,
repositories and ssh-keys.
docker run --rm -it \
-h localhost
-p 8080:8080 -p 29418:29418 \
-v /development/projects/DOCKER-FOR-GERRIT:/var/gerrit/review_site \
--name gerrit \
- gerrit api documentation:
- request, response design from:
Licensed under
- Mozilla Public License 2.0 (LICENSE-MPL-2.0 or