Whiskerboard is a status board for websites, services and APIs, like Amazon's AWS status page.
It is heavily based on Stashboard. Unlike Stashboard, it uses vanilla Django, so you aren't stuck using Google App Engine.
Clone the repo, load sample data and run a server.
$ git clone git@github.com:sijis/whiskerboard.git
$ cd whiskerboard
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ Add a "SECRET_KEY = 'EnterABunchOfRandomCharactersHere'" to settings/base.py
(Alternatively, use http://www.miniwebtool.com/django-secret-key-generator/ to create a secret key!)
$ ./manage.py syncdb
$ ./manage.py migrate
$ ./manage.py loaddata board/migrations/0001_initial_data.json
$ ./manage.py runserver
On the admin home page, click on "services" and add the things you want to report the status of (website, API etc). To change the status of a service add an event for it.
Visit the wiki page on details about the API.
You may also find useful the whiskerboard-tools repository for interacting with the whiskerboard api.