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Signaturit NET SDK

This package is a NET wrapper around the Signaturit API. If you didn't read the documentation yet, maybe it's time to take a look here.


In order to execute the test suite:

dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat="opencover"

To upload the information to Sonarqube:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner --version 4.7.1

dotnet sonarscanner begin /o:"signaturit" /k:signaturit_net-sdk /"" /d:sonar.login="YOUR_TOKEN" /s:"$(PWD)/SonarQube.Analysis.xml"

dotnet build

dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat="opencover"

dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="YOUR_TOKEN"


The recommended way to install the SDK is through project.json.

"dependencies": {
    "signaturit": "1.0.0"

Then instantiate the Client class passing in your API access token.


Signaturit.Client client = new Signaturit.Client(accessToken);

Please note that by default the client will use our sandbox API. When you are ready to start using the production environment just get the correct access token and pass an additional argument to the constructor:

Signaturit.Client client = new Signaturit.Client(accessToken, true);



Count signature requests

Count your signature requests.

object response = client.countSignatures();

Get all signature requests

Retrieve all data from your signature requests using different filters.

All signatures
object response = client.getSignatures();
Getting the last 50 signatures
object response = client.getSignatures(50);
Getting signatures with custom field "crm_id"
object response = client.getSignatures(100, 0, new { crm_id = "CUSTOM_ID" })

Get signature request

Get the information regarding a single signature request passing its ID.

object response = client.getSignature("a066298d-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");

Signature request

Create a new signature request.

object files = new [] {

object recipients = new [] {
    new { name = "Mr John" , email = "" }

object parameters = new {
    subject = "Receipt no. 250",
    body = "Please sign the receipt"

object response = client.createSignature(files, recipients, parameters);

You can add custom info in your requests

object files = new [] {

object recipients = new [] {
    new { name = "Mr John" , email = "" }

object parameters = new {
    subject = "Receipt no. 250",
    body = "Please sign the receipt",
    data = new {
        crm_id = "45673"

object response = client.createSignature(files, recipients, parameters);

You can send templates with the fields filled

object recipients = new [] {
    new { name = "Mr John" , email = "" }

object parameters = new {
    subject = "Receipt no. 250",
    body = "Please sign the receipt",
    templates = "template_name",
    data = new {
        widget_id = "default value"

object response = client.createSignature(files, recipients, parameters);

Cancel signature request

Cancel a signature request.

object response = client.cancelSignature("a066298d-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");

Send reminder

Send a reminder email.

object response = client.sendReminder("a066298d-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");

Get audit trail

Get the audit trail of a signature request document

string response = client.downloadAuditTrail("a066298d-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e", "d474a1eb-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");

Get signed document

Get the signed document of a signature request document

string response = client.downloadSignedDocument("a066298d-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e", "d474a1eb-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");


Get brandings

Get all account brandings.

object response = client.getBrandings();

Get branding

Get a single branding.

object response = client.getBranding("6472aad7-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e");

Create branding

Create a new branding.

object parameters = new {
    layout_color      = "#FFBF00",
    text_color        = "#2A1B0A",
    application_texts = new { sign_button = "Sign!" }

object response = client.createBranding(parameters);

Update branding

Update a single branding.

object parameters = new {
    application_texts = new { send_button = "Send!" }

object response = client.updateBranding("6472aad7-2877-11e4-b641-080027ea3a6e", parameters);


Get all templates

Retrieve all data from your templates.

object response = client.getTemplates();


Get emails

####Get all certified emails

object response = client.getEmails()

####Get last 50 emails

object response = client.getEmails(50)

####Navigate through all emails in blocks of 50 results

object response = client.getEmails(50, 50)

Count emails

Count all certified emails

object response = client.countEmails()

Get email

Get a single email

object response = client.getEmail("EMAIL_ID")

Create email

Create a new certified email.

object files = new [] {

object recipients = new [] {
    new { name = "Mr John" , email = "" }

object parameters = new {
    subject = "NET subject",
    body = "NET body"

object response = client.createEmail(files, recipients, "NET subject", "NET body")

Get audit trail document

Get the audit trail document of an email request.

string response = client.downloadEmailAuditTrail("EMAIL_ID", "CERTIFICATE_ID")